Opie CHL
Well-known member
New intake Lindy ...4-5 years old, came in with terrible skin condition-- probably flea dermatitis, resolving with antibiotics and anti-fungal medication. Was not able to be spayed this week as had an immediate anaphlatic reaction to anesthesia. Are looking at alternative anesthesia to use.
Here is the site for Buddies thru Bullies.
Thank you so much for taking the time and considering one of these orphan Bulldogs.
If you are interested in adopting, go to http://www.buddiesthrubullies.org/ and fill out an application.
To view more Bulldogs for adoption through Buddies thru Bullies, click the link below:
Note: the above link is the best way of obtaining info on available bulldogs as it is updated more frequently at the present time. (10/31/13)
Please tell them that you found them on English Bulldog News!