
I was so happy when i woke up this a.m. only to NOT find any accidents on my bedroom floor! Finn slept in his crate part of the night. I've been really diligent about taking them out regularly, watching them closely, trying to be very positive about this housebreaking process. I realize it takes time and there will always be mistakes along the way and that all is okay. I feel like Tate and Finn can sense my newfound positve approach with this too b/c they seem happier and Finn slept a lot better. :D
good advice in this area! I am hoping to get some more. Winston is 10 weeks now. He is crate trained, sleeps through the night and even goes potty outside...BUT, he still has accidents and I understand that he is still a pup. BUT, i do not understand what to do or how to read signals. As of late he will go out, pee, come back in and 10 minutes laters hes peeing again! Without warning or signal. AND its in random spots, not a specific one. I need to know how I can have fewer in door accidents (there only pee, hes never poop'd inside) AND what/if there is any action of discipline that can be shown to them so they know they've have done wrong. ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED AS ALWAYS! :)
I swear by a crate! Before Lola I had never crate trained and I can tell you it is way easier! I had little treats I would give Lola everytime she went potty outside then when she went inside I didnt give her praise or any attention for a few minutes after no matter how hard she tried to get my attention so that she knew what she did.

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