Hello from NJ! New to this forum and could use some advice!


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Sep 29, 2012
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Hello everyone! My name is Brittany and my boyfriend and I are first time english bulldog owners. Our baby's name is Otis, he's 8 months old and we love him very much. So far, everything has been great (aside from his tear stains that we still work at everyday to get rid of). However, we had a tough week this week, so any advice would be much appreciated!

Last Saturday, Otis didn't finish his breakfast (not like him at all!) and then vomited twice. We called the vet and brought him in to get checked. Turns out, Otis ate some of his stuffed animal toy. After a day of X-rays and tests, it turns out Otis was able to pass the item through (without surgery :D) but it was moving slowly. He was able to hold down some food and was sent home. After otis arrived home, he had a little odd colored diarrhea but I assumed it was due to the dye he consumed for the x-ray. the following day (sunday) Otis continued to have diarrhea, and the very recommended feeding him boiled chicken and rice. We did this until Wednesday and there was no improvement. On wednesday evening, Otis was given prescription food, Lomotil (3x a day) and Metronidazole (2x a day). On Thursday, his diarrhea seemed to get worse and was occurring more often, so Thursday evening he was given a probiotic paste to sooth his stomach (Proviable). This seems like a lot for an upset stomach (i thought) but this is what the vet gave us. On Friday morning, after having his morning walk, and dose of his medications, he started breaking out in hives! Very scary! Otis ate his breakfast, and the hives continued to get worse, so he was taken to the vet and got a steroid shot. The hives seem to subside, but the vet said it could not have been an allergic reaction to the medicine because she had never seen that before. I stopped giving him all medication on Friday (because the vet was closed and I was scared he would have a bad reaction), and continued giving him the prescription food. His bowels are finally better!! but his hives started to show a little last night, so we gave him two benadryl. He seems better this morning but we have no idea what happened! and of course the vet is closed until tomorrow.

Could this have been a big bite? I forgot to mention, Otis is now scared to go on the grass in the backyard, which is weird because he usually loves running around back there. Or does it sound like an allergic reaction? Any advice is greatly appreciated!! we are all exhausted this week and i feel so bad for my little baby!!! Sorry this was a lot all at once. Thanks in advance


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I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Hello and welcome to EBN and the wonderful world of bulldogs!

It could be a bug bite for the hives and all happening at once with hi eating the stuffing. But, with all the meds and change of food threw his belly and system into a spin. I would stop all the meds and stay with the bland diet for a couple days... if the hives start up again you can give benedryl 1mg per pound up to three times a day


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Oh poor Otis!!!

First thing, too much change to his system at once. All the meds and diet change is not good for a bully with a tummy issue (in my humble opinion).

This is going to sound like a weird question but please give the details on what food he used to eat, and what is the prescription food that you are feeding him now?

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Before this whole mess he was eating Orijen adult kibble, just switched to it about 1-2 months ago, and he seems to do well on it. He eats 2 1/2 cups a day split into two meals. The prescription food he is on is w/d prescription diet. It says low fat- diabetic- gastrointestinal on the can, and he gets a half can per meal


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Thank you! yes the bland diet without the meds seems to help. His bowels have been back to normal since yesterday for the first time in a week. I will still keep an eye on the hives and keep up with benadryl if needed. I just hope he is feeling better!


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My guess the hives are from the W D food, it is full of pure junk. I would stick with the bland for another day then slowly get him back on Orijen.

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I'm sorry you all have to through this, sound really like a hard week. I'm with [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] here. Too much new things in too short time and in my opinion that prescription kibble is alone enough to make anybody sick, especially after good food like Orijen (It should also say low quality). If what ever he swallowed has passed I would do bland diet until his stomach settles.


Its possible the diarhoea is due to overflow....the stuffing although moving through the system is doing so slowly...the bulk of poop will be blocked behind that, its possible that fluid type poop is forcing past the temp blockage..this would be almost watery, gritty type diarhoea if thats whats happening. Metronidazols is commonly given to treat stomach and bowel infections...unfortunately a side effect is nausea and vomitting :( If he has a bowel infection you do not want to stop the diarhoea..the body needs to expell the bacteria. Feed him bland diet...continue with the meds and make sure he gets plenty of fluids.
His hives may well have been caused by a reaction to a bite...but also to the prescription food given by the vet....medication reactions usually happen if not immediately..by the 3rd dose.
Hope this helps...I know a sick pup is hard to cope with but maybe return to the vets on monday to see if the blockage has passed or if its stuck :hug:


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I didn't think of the food as a possibility, because I was so concerned about all the medicine! We will definitely start weaning him back onto is regular dog food starting tomorrow. But I still can't explain why he is so afraid of the grass. This morning he had a bowel movement and it was nearly on the cement in the backyard because he would only go near the edge of the grass. So weird and not like him!


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Thanks everyone! So far it seems like the benadryl has done the trick, no hives today. I am hoping Otis's stomach will stay on track as we slowly start getting him back to his regular food. I will keep everyone posted on his progress!


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Hi [MENTION=6238]Otis113[/MENTION] and welcome to EBN - where in NJ are you located?

You got great advice about the diet already. As for being afraid of the grass, maybe something bit him or startled him in the yard, have you check him all over for bite marks? and have you looked around in the yard to see if anything is there - even weird new noises? It could be totally unrelated to everything else that is going on. :)


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Perhaps if he is itchy from the hives the feel of the grass tickling his skin makes him more itchy? I don't have grass but that is what it feels like to me sometimes so just a thought....

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Welcome to the site and glad he is getting better. I have nothing to add as you have some great advice above.


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First, he may be allergic to the grass. Second, I know my guys do not like the grass (or anything else) when it's raining or just afterwards. It's kind of Ewe, it's wet, get it away from me.
You could see if it's grass in general or specifically your yard by taking him to grass somewhere else and see if he's scared. If it's just your yard he may be afraid of whatever caused the hives and not the grass. If that's the case you'll have to try to eliminate the cause and then retrain him to like the yard by going out with him, playing and of course TREATS!
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The only thing i noticed on his face that could have been a bite was a small red mark on his lip. After he took the benadryl the hives seemed to go down, but this red spot remained. Besides that, nothing out of the ordinary that i've seen in the yard.

[MENTION=5580]elearn[/MENTION] (Not sure if I did the tagging right) I live in northern NJ, Bergen county. Are you in this area?

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