Hello everyone.. New to the forum and I guess in a way to Bull Dogs

Welcome Lisa to this great forum and congratulations on Nadia G love the name and I can't wait to see the photos when she is home with you, I do hope your hubby doesn't work too late so you can go and get your Bully baby you will have so much fun with her and endless love from her too.
:welcome: to the forum!!! I can only imagine how excited you must be!!! Can't wait to see more pics of her. She really does look like a very beautiful bully girl!! :luv:
My name is Lisa, and I guess you can say I am new to owning a Bull dog, though my grand parents had adopted a retired female, I was not a main provider.

I will be picking my little girl up later this week provided My husband doesnt come home too late from work... and I am over the moon excited about it.

In the mean time, I have been reading, and learning all I can.

I have three skin kids...4 if you include my husband. 19y, 12y, and 15 months, three feathered kids, and a ferret.0

I look forward to getting to know you all..:)

wow you have a full house don't you? How exciting, a new baby!!! Congrats!!
Welcome to the forum! Cant wait to see more pictures of Nadia G when she is home with you! Is her name from the cooking channel Nadia G? I love her :yes: I also live in NJ what county are you in? We are in Union County.
:welcome:to EBN!!! The people here are great and very knowledgeable about English Bulldogs! You have joined the best bulldog site on the internet. English Bulldogs are a different breed and so are people that are owned by EB's. Jump right in and join the group!!!
I visited her yesterday and UGG.. I just can NOT wait... but have to..:( She is such a good girl. I have a picture with my kids and Santa holding her, but I have to scan it, and thats not possible right now.. I came home to my computer not booting.. so as soon as I can fix it, my internet is limited to what I can access by phone when my son isnt trying to grab it out of my hands. (right now Im on my husbands, but not always possible).

Ill have to see if I can get it posted some way. :)
Ok, Im going to post a picture.. we got the Santa ones back.. its not the greatest quality.. I cant use the scanner and its already really light.. but here it is.. :)


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