Hard poo


Active member
Oct 26, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
My dog is on freeze dried raw and has hard stools so I thought she could express her anal glands herself but her butt still smells and she leaks. Someone recommended psyllium husk but wonā€™t that harden the stool even more? Iā€™m giving her kraut but it doesnā€™t seem to fully fix the issue. Thoughts anyone?
My dog is on freeze dried raw and has hard stools so I thought she could express her anal glands herself but her butt still smells and she leaks. Someone recommended psyllium husk but wonā€™t that harden the stool even more? Iā€™m giving her kraut but it doesnā€™t seem to fully fix the issue. Thoughts anyone?

Yes the psyllium husk will harden it more and give it more bulk which helps empty her glands when she goes.

Have you tried the psyllium husk??

Give it some time, nothing works overnight, itā€™s trial and error to find what works for each dog, for my dog, the raw diet and the probiotics have made it non existent almost, not even 1 time every month or so does his glands leak.

Everything you try, try one thing at a time and do it for 3-4 weeks and see if you see a difference.

Keeping inflammation down also prevents them from swelling and leaking.
My bulldog eats a frozen raw diet and I came to find out he needs veggies in his diet otherwise he struggles to poop and itā€™s super hard. I buy premade that has veggies in it and he does much better. My Frenchie however does fine with no veggies.
i thought hard stool would empty the glands out? the kraut seems to soften the stool.
My bulldog eats a frozen raw diet and I came to find out he needs veggies in his diet otherwise he struggles to poop and itā€™s super hard. I buy premade that has veggies in it and he does much better. My Frenchie however does fine with no veggies.

before you gave him veggies, was he able to express his glands naturally as his poo was so hard? seems when i give my dog kraut, it softens her stool.
i thought hard stool would empty the glands out? the kraut seems to soften the stool.

before you gave him veggies, was he able to express his glands naturally as his poo was so hard? seems when i give my dog kraut, it softens her stool.
Yes hard stool empty the glands, soft stool makes the glands NOT empty and they swell and get impacted and need to be manually expressed if that happens.
i thought hard stool would empty the glands out? the kraut seems to soften the stool.

before you gave him veggies, was he able to express his glands naturally as his poo was so hard? seems when i give my dog kraut, it softens her stool.
Maybe try less kraut?

None of my dogs have really had gland issues. Every now and then Louie will become stinky and I can tell his glands are full but then he goes to the bathroom and heā€™s fine.
I've always used pure canned pumpkin to help when I notice Lambeu smelling.. just a tablespoon till he doesn't smell any longer
we have tried lessening the kraut and she is allergic to pumpkin. it makes no sense to me that when her poo is hard, her butt smells so bad and she leaks. but when her is soft she scoot her butt on the floor.
I am going through the same thing! I do not see any leakage; I smell it. I just changed foods to a lower calorie food for Buster (needs to lose weight) and I add carrots and broccoli to his meals. His poo's are still firm but not as big. He just really pongs though! I had them expressed at the vets a couple of weeks ago and one was full. The second time last week they were empty. I have bought some psyllium husk but will wait a couple of weeks before I start him on that. We are going away, and I don't want any surprises during that time! This is all new for us, it started a couple of months or so ago. Really frustrating.
we have tried lessening the kraut and she is allergic to pumpkin. it makes no sense to me that when her poo is hard, her butt smells so bad and she leaks. but when her is soft she scoot her butt on the floor

By any chance, does you dog have a tail pocket issue?

Asking cause Nyala does n trust me its smells horribly sour. And yes it leaks n she will scoot. I clean it once a week and SometI es 2x a week.

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