Guacamole Dip---yummy, yummy and I usually hate guacamole dip.


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Mar 29, 2011
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Guacamole dip

5 avocados
1 lemon
1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
3 cloves of garlic (or garlic powder to taste)
Salt and pepper to taste
1 table spoon sour cream
1 small purple onion
2 tomatoes chopped

Cut avocado and seed scoop out in bowl, squeeze lemon all over and mush avocados with fork. Add, garlic, Worcestershire sauce and sour cream and mix with fork. Add chopped tomatoes and salt and pepper to taste. Usually takes a lot of salt to bring out the flavors. Add more garlic powder if needed.
That sounds good. Avacados aren't cheap here.... about a buck each I think
My goodness, the recipe sounds delicious! I have a costco sized bag of tortilla chips that needs finishing and the dip will help reach that goal! :starwars:
That sounds good. Avacados aren't cheap here.... about a buck each I think

We have so many avocado trees in our area that people put out boxes on sidewalk with signs...12 for $1.00..all honor system. Sometimes kids sell them with lemonade...maybe [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] can drop some off for you!
I can't help with avacados, [MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION], but I do have a grapefruit tree that has hundreds of ruby reds on it. All my neighbors come and pick what ever they want. I even had my X-husband and his wife come and get about 50 to take back to Ohio when they were here visiting my son. I HATE grapefruit!!!
This sounds great! You should join our other forum too [MENTION=2121]melanieian[/MENTION] it is
I can't help with avacados, [MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION], but I do have a grapefruit tree that has hundreds of ruby reds on it. All my neighbors come and pick what ever they want. I even had my X-husband and his wife come and get about 50 to take back to Ohio when they were here visiting my son. I HATE grapefruit!!!

Ya..I HATE grapefruit too! Our neighbor has so many grapefruit trees and all different kinds. She is always pushing them off..poor thing. I can thanks..I hate them..but every time my hubby comes in with a huge bag and wonders why she "always sees him coming!" is the same with homeless animals!. We are ALL allergic to the pods that avocado trees drop and about die when they bloom!
My goodness, the recipe sounds delicious! I have a costco sized bag of tortilla chips that needs finishing and the dip will help reach that goal! :starwars:

Sounds sooo yummy! I'm starving here at work and all I can think about now is chips and dip! :p

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