Grain free?


New member
Mar 19, 2024
Bulldog(s) Names
My 11 month old "Bear"has horrible allergies and I'm trying to pinpoint what exactly it is and I was wondering what your thoughts are about feeding him a grain free kibble? I know in the past they have stated that grain free food causes heart issues.
Thanks much
Grain free is fine. The DCM report was started by the big dog food corporations getting their knickers in a twist because the smaller 'boutique' companies were eating into their profits. They conspired against them and fudged reports and there is now a $2.6 billion (with a b) lawsuit against Hills. Others will be named too. The FDA's latest report states there is no correlation between grain free and heart disease.
My 11 month old "Bear"has horrible allergies and I'm trying to pinpoint what exactly it is and I was wondering what your thoughts are about feeding him a grain free kibble? I know in the past they have stated that grain free food causes heart issues.
Thanks much
Harper does have pulmonary stenosis and I feed her grain free because she has allergies and she is 1 1/2 now and is doing fine. The vet wanted me to feed regular food with grain but I chose to feed her grain free fromm ocean.She is doing well on it. Gatsby is 11 and he is great.
My vet and also specialists (Cardiology and surgery) told me to stay away from grain free. So to be safe I do not buy any grain free foods for any of my dogs. My boxer has an irregular heart beat and Im not willing to risk any more problems.
I'll say it again for those that do not already know about it. The GRAIN FREE FARCE was created by BIG Corporate Pet food manufacturers(Hills and IMO, others) along with corrupt Vets in an effort to put smaller independent(grain free) food manufacturers out of business. The ongoing lawsuit is very convincing and mirrors what I have thought all along. We have been feeding grain free diets to our personal Bulldogs and over 1000 rescues for 20+ years. Not a single case of DCM in all of those dogs. The whole charade was a lie from the very beginning and I hope that Hill's and the Vets involved are BROKE when this whole thing shakes out.
This is not to say that feeding your dog a food with grain is a bad thing. I'm saying that if you chose to NOT feed grain free, don't do it because of the lie perpetuated by Hills & their hired Cronies.
@buffym i think we old members n you too been on here long enough to see through Science Hill, Royal Canine n Purinaā€™s propaganda fear tactics towards pet owners. Im in to food industry n shutting down the business soon (retiring). Iā€™ve seen n read with my very own eyes these 3 companies how they bribe FDA, yes I said FDA whom turns a blind eye too many times on pet food n yes vets too.

Now that being said, YOU definitely do what you feel is best for your dog(s) as at the end of the day, youā€™re the owner n your decisions. But Chip is totally right in his post. My vet who knows Iā€™m all for holistic n feed my dogs raw, even agrees all dogs should be fed raw n yes, even grain free if youā€™re going the kibble way. Just a thought šŸ™‚

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