Got an idea to help out member who owns poor 'Tank'


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Littleton, CO
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
My bulldog vet doesn't have an email but I found his facebook page. I downloaded the members post about Tank's problems as well as 5 pics. I posted it on his website. I then called the vets and told them what I did and pleaded for him to take a look and, if he had the time, please give his advice. Maybe we all can do this? We need to help her out as best as we can! If your vets don't have a website,etc..please take a copy of post and pics to your vets! We gotta try to help this poor guy! @TANKERSMOM we are here for you!
I have contacted SoCal Bulldog Rescue too, they have seen it all. Hopefully [MENTION=4721]TANKERSMOM[/MENTION] comes back to the forum when we get some more advice.
This is a GREAT idea.. I am going to call the University of Penn tomorrow where we take Duke, they are a teaching school. I am not sure how I can get the pictures to them but I will do my best... thank you thank you thank you.. and yes [MENTION=4721]TANKERSMOM[/MENTION] you joined the right place we are all here for you!
I also did this...this morning...i will call vet tomorrow and see if they got it
This is what makes EBN so great! Everybody cares and will do all they can to help out someone in need! :))
This is what my vet said......not much help but I think it is kinda hard for them with out actually seeing Tank! :(

Sounds like a tricky case Megan. I would probably recommend biopsies of the skin, skin scrape for mange (possibly treat for mange even without a positive diagnosis), liver biopsy. A referral to a dermatologist would also be a great idea. I wouldn't recommend any of these things without seeing the dog first, of course. However, these might be some ideas to bring to her vet if they haven't been talked about already.

@TANKERSMOM @bubbaisapig [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION]
Those I showed this to said the following, biopsy and scrape, possible auto immune or MRSA.... Definitely needs to be done asap :(
Any news from [MENTION=4721]TANKERSMOM[/MENTION] .... my vet also said possible auto-immune
I hope she just gets back on period! :) She came and left the same day!!! No return!! :(
I hate it when they do that. Although, she's probably just wrecked with worry and trying to figure out whassup with Tank........
i do not understand how you could post that and not come back ever. hopefully she got some answers and didnt need to come back here.

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