Emma's shy and cowers at times


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
Bulldog(s) Names
Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
Emma has some shy issues when out and about so we're hunkering down and she starts group puppy training at Petsmart (lots of puppies there) and also puppy play group at PetCo, both Saturday. Yesterday she met a new person next door and cowered down and crawled up to them for about 8 feet, then she was ok with her. Then another person they knew came up and she was wearing a long dark skirt and Emma gave a little growl at her and wanted nothing to do with her. I was pretty surprised by that. Well about 1/2 hour later I was in the backyard and my other neighbor was doing a walk by with her little dog Ella (all of 8 lbs) so I took Emma out to the front with me from the side gate. She was really excited to see Kristen and started to run happily toward her until she saw Ella, OMG!!! Emma turned around and ran the other direction immediately back to me. If she would have had a tail I'm sure it would have been between her leg. Then all her hair went up on her back and she was displaying her alpha role. She settled down in a couple of minutes but lets just say that surprised me a bit.

She's also scared of unknown loud noises. She was the shy one in her littler but she so fierce with Jack & Wilson. So it's time to up the socialization. :up:

Here's my little girl - she is now 16 weeks as of yesterday.

That's all, just wanted to share that. :D

[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] (oh grammy where are you?)


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Dec 9, 2011
Bakersfield, CA
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cute pictures. i think if you keep exposing her to new things she will learn to be more assertive


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
Bulldog(s) Names
Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
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cute pictures. i think if you keep exposing her to new things she will learn to be more assertive
That's what I'm hoping. I waited a few weeks too long to get her going in puppy play groups, my bad on that. She's very assertive at home.


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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Yep... socialization will help her in a big way


[MENTION=2014]JeannieCO[/MENTION] This must be Coops sister!!!!! [MENTION=2092]JAKEISGREAT[/MENTION] Coop use to pee when he was scared of something too! ugh!


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May 7, 2010
Southern California
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OMG she is just so beautiful!!!! You know my beagle Loki has been like that since she was a puppy and now at 5 years old is still like that. And this isn't due to a lack of socialization. She can be jumping all over you at times but others she cowers/hunkers down and army crawls to you. She is very vary of other dogs even though she has been socialized with many. She is also scared of any loud unexpected noises, if she hears them at home she goes to the bathroom and tries to get behind the toilet LOL It's kind of funny to go to the bathroom and see a sliver of beagle booty sticking out from the side of the toilet but I obviously also feel so bad for her. Maybe alot of dogs are scared of loud noises and I'm just used to Samson who isn't phased by any loud noises. I think it's just her personality because she has never been in any home that tramatized her and she's always been exposed to a variety of people and dogs so there is no other way to explain it. The funny thing is the more I baby her when she seems scared the more she acts like a little baby, maybe she just wants attention LOL


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Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
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The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
This does not surprise me at all, what did surprise me was how Emma fit right into your home like a glass slipper! I do think socialization will help, but she and Punkin were always the ones who would stay back and watch what was happening around them. Took lots of (fun) hours of snuggling with them - mind you Emma was much easier to break than Punkin- for them to finally feel at ease. Now Punkin is probably one of the friendliest little bully pups in the world, not afraid of anything or anyone. Amazing what a bit of socialization can do. Basically that is what I did, was socialize her with humans, now she needs socialization of other dogs besides her big brothers :) Do not be surprised if she does not change completely, out of my 6 bullies I think I have 6 completely different personalities, even though I brought them all up. Much of that personality is just a part of their soul.


Aug 4, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
(HRH) Her Royal Highness Princess Gracie & Princess Amelia Pond (Amy)
This does not surprise me at all, what did surprise me was how Emma fit right into your home like a glass slipper! I do think socialization will help, but she and Punkin were always the ones who would stay back and watch what was happening around them. Took lots of (fun) hours of snuggling with them - mind you Emma was much easier to break than Punkin- for them to finally feel at ease. Now Punkin is probably one of the friendliest little bully pups in the world, not afraid of anything or anyone. Amazing what a bit of socialization can do. Basically that is what I did, was socialize her with humans, now she needs socialization of other dogs besides her big
brothers :) Do not be surprised if she does not change completely, out of my 6 bullies I think I have 6 completely different personalities, even though I brought them all up. Much of that personality is just a part of their soul.

I couldn't agree more.
We have seen some amazing transformations in HRH, but then some surprising regressions.

We can't help but think it's just Gracie being Gracie.

Just last night a friend came over so we could work on some Easter baskets for a party at her sons
Polish School party today. Gracie acted so excited to see her. (they have met a couple other times briefly) Then after we had been upstairs a couple hours working on the baskets. Aga went down stairs to use the bathroom, when she came out HRH started barking at her like we have never heard her bark before. She wanted her to come and play!
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Apr 27, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Sarah aka cow
oh my pretty emma. yes socialization is needed here but as lisa says she may or may not change. i have a boston who is wary of new people. ive tried socializing him and he is some better but dont think he will ever be mr friendly. should be worth some wonderful pics of emma at her classes though. :D


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
Bulldog(s) Names
Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
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This does not surprise me at all, what did surprise me was how Emma fit right into your home like a glass slipper! I do think socialization will help, but she and Punkin were always the ones who would stay back and watch what was happening around them. Took lots of (fun) hours of snuggling with them - mind you Emma was much easier to break than Punkin- for them to finally feel at ease. Now Punkin is probably one of the friendliest little bully pups in the world, not afraid of anything or anyone. Amazing what a bit of socialization can do. Basically that is what I did, was socialize her with humans, now she needs socialization of other dogs besides her big brothers :) Do not be surprised if she does not change completely, out of my 6 bullies I think I have 6 completely different personalities, even though I brought them all up. Much of that personality is just a part of their soul.
I couldn't agree more. She instantly fit with us. She's going to have a very busy day today. 10am it's puppy play group, then off to Murdock's for a new leash and harness, and then at 3 it's off to Petsmart for puppy group training. I chose to go that route on training solely so she can have more exposure. :). This will be our routine for the next 6 weeks, except Murdock's that is. You did an excellent job on bringing them up too, I am blessed to have her. :luv:


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
Bulldog(s) Names
Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
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oh my pretty emma. yes socialization is needed here but as lisa says she may or may not change. i have a boston who is wary of new people. ive tried socializing him and he is some better but dont think he will ever be mr friendly. should be worth some wonderful pics of emma at her classes though. :D
I'll get some pictures and videos at the the play group over the next 6 weeks so we can watch her improvement. :)


Aug 12, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Bulldog(s) Names
HRH Princess Gracie, aka: HRH; Princess Amelia Pond, aka: Amy
Poooooor Wilson.... left out of the fun... AGAIN! :(

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