Dental Treats


Active member
Oct 26, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Anyone know of any dental treats that are grain free, wheat free, potato free and pea free?
I see alot of the ones on the market have potato starch or pea starch.
Anyone know of any dental treats that are grain free, wheat free, potato free and pea free?
I see alot of the ones on the market have potato starch or pea starch.

Most use potatoes or other starch.

There is Bull Tail chew which is just a pure Bull Tail and itā€™s NOT processed or any chemicals used. Thatā€™s a bully stick alternative, it doesnā€™t use meat just the tail so even people with dogs that canā€™t have beef, they buy them.
Those are great for dental health too.

Also there is raw Buffalo knuckle bones which are great and not cooked, just frozen and great for dental health.

Stay away from cooked bones, they splinter, raw bones are safe!

I give them to my dogs!
Anyone know of any dental treats that are grain free, wheat free, potato free and pea free?
I see alot of the ones on the market have potato starch or pea starch.

If your worried about dental plaque and tartar, there is Plaque off Powder which is a seaweed that works systematically and prevents plaque and softens existing tartar and plaque. It works thru the dogs saliva and it is just added to the food daily.
Iā€™ve never used those, but Iā€™ve heard good thinks about those cheese chews,,, I think called yaks?
Iā€™ve never used those, but Iā€™ve heard good thinks about those cheese chews,,, I think called yaks?

Yes I forgot to mention those Cheese chews(Yak chews). šŸ˜Š

Some dogs they last long and some donā€™t last very long.
They are pricy though, my 3 dogs are aggressive chewers, and I either give them a raw knuckle bone.
I just bought them their first Bill Tail, itā€™s a actual bull tail(not rawhide).

Itā€™s lasted them 3 days of 3 hour chewing time.
Yak chews last 20 minutes, a bully stick lasts 5-10 minutes.
Raw knuckle bone they chew for only 30-45 minutes each time then they donā€™t want it anymore, I put it back in freezer for another day, it lasts 4-5 days of the 30-45 min chewing.
But by far the Bull tail is the longest chewing time.šŸ˜Š

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