Bulldog acting disoriented


New member
Oct 5, 2022
Bulldog(s) Names
Sumo and Angus
Hello! I am new to the forum and have two English Bulldogs. My youngest is 7, and over the course of the last 4-5 days he has been waking up from sleep and seems to zone out and take some time to orient himself. This is the first time this has happened and he is in general good health, including a healthy weight. When he wakes up in the morning he hesitates to eat until he gets oriented but his big brother wakes him up so he gets up when he does. We have a vet appointment tomorrow and will get them to run tests but also wondering if anyone has experienced this before ? At first the vet provided a phone consult and thought it may be anxiety due to the house guests, but now given it hasnā€™t gone away I want to look at other potentials.
Do have him check. You canā€™t do much through a phone conversation. Plz keep us posted.
Do have him check. You canā€™t do much through a phone conversation. Plz keep us posted.
The vets here unfortunately start with the phone consult and then put you on a triage list based on what you chat about since they were so backed up, so I posted that while waiting to get in. He thankfully was seen yesterday and it ended up being a soft tissue injury on the left side of his neck that he could have pulled from sleeping on it in a weird position, sudden movement etc. but thankfully was nothing serious. Heā€™s just on an anti-inflammatory for two weeks and after one dose is already making him feel significantly better. The ā€œdisorientationā€ was more pain related and last night he slept through the night and showed no signs of pain. Never would have guessed this is what it was!
The vets here unfortunately start with the phone consult and then put you on a triage list based on what you chat about since they were so backed up, so I posted that while waiting to get in. He thankfully was seen yesterday and it ended up being a soft tissue injury on the left side of his neck that he could have pulled from sleeping on it in a weird position, sudden movement etc. but thankfully was nothing serious. Heā€™s just on an anti-inflammatory for two weeks and after one dose is already making him feel significantly better. The ā€œdisorientationā€ was more pain related and last night he slept through the night and showed no signs of pain. Never would have guessed this is what it was!
Puts you on a triage list? Where are you in Canada?
Puts you on a triage list? Where are you in Canada?
Iā€™m in Ottawa and the vets here are both understaffed and there is such a high demand because of the huge influx of dogs purchased during the pandemic. Most people I know who got dogs during the last two years donā€™t actually have a vet or have been going to another province because they are waitlisted. Thankfully my boys have an amazing vet and theyā€™ve been going there for years so we are lucky. They prioritize dogs that have certain signs like arenā€™t eating/drinking/anything potentially life threatening. I called on Monday and was placed on the list, and we were able to go in and see the vet on Wednesday so the wait wasnā€™t bad considering that he was still eating/drinking and same energy levels. You donā€™t have to deal with waitlists in Alberta? I think Ontario vets are really being overworked right now unfortunately.
Iā€™m in Ottawa and the vets here are both understaffed and there is such a high demand because of the huge influx of dogs purchased during the pandemic. Most people I know who got dogs during the last two years donā€™t actually have a vet or have been going to another province because they are waitlisted. Thankfully my boys have an amazing vet and theyā€™ve been going there for years so we are lucky. They prioritize dogs that have certain signs like arenā€™t eating/drinking/anything potentially life threatening. I called on Monday and was placed on the list, and we were able to go in and see the vet on Wednesday so the wait wasnā€™t bad considering that he was still eating/drinking and same energy levels. You donā€™t have to deal with waitlists in Alberta? I think Ontario vets are really being overworked right now unfortunately.
No, never heard of that.
The vets here unfortunately start with the phone consult and then put you on a triage list based on what you chat about since they were so backed up, so I posted that while waiting to get in. He thankfully was seen yesterday and it ended up being a soft tissue injury on the left side of his neck that he could have pulled from sleeping on it in a weird position, sudden movement etc. but thankfully was nothing serious. Heā€™s just on an anti-inflammatory for two weeks and after one dose is already making him feel significantly better. The ā€œdisorientationā€ was more pain related and last night he slept through the night and showed no signs of pain. Never would have guessed this is what it was!
So happy it was nothing serious... happy to hear he is bouncing back quickly!

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