Puppy vet questions


New member
Feb 27, 2021
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Am I being too judgmental? I don't think I like my vet. I have a 14 week old puppy that makes up normal hunking sounds when she breaths. The more excited she is more often she does it. My vet diagnosed her with elongated soft palate. From what I know that can not be a thing that can get diagnosed in young puppy's? Or am I wrong? She also adviced that I have to get a surgery. I'm not sure if I feel safe placing a 14 week old under that surgery
Elongated palette can be an issue in a younger pup... I had the surgery done to both of my bulldogs, and surprisingly it was worse in my female who had zero symptoms!!! Pushing surgery in a pup that young would raise red flags UNLESS she has symptoms such as throwing up, or passing out from lack of oxygen from eating/playing. I always tell people to make sure your vet is knowledgeable about EBD breed, and has plenty of expierence... that is extremely important.
Am I being too judgmental? I don't think I like my vet. I have a 14 week old puppy that makes up normal hunking sounds when she breaths. The more excited she is more often she does it. My vet diagnosed her with elongated soft palate. From what I know that can not be a thing that can get diagnosed in young puppy's? Or am I wrong? She also adviced that I have to get a surgery. I'm not sure if I feel safe placing a 14 week old under that surgery

It can happen but extremely rare especially at that age. Because of the breed being flat nose you will definitely hear funny noises when playing or eating if she’s a food hogger. You can always get a 2nd opinion. [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] gave you great advice. :yes:
It can happen but extremely rare especially at that age. Because of the breed being flat nose you will definitely hear funny noises when playing or eating if she’s a food hogger. You can always get a 2nd opinion. [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] gave you great advice. :yes:

She eats and plays perfectly fine. There was that one week where she gaged and throw up but she doesn't do that anymore for past 2-3 weeks.
I would not have that done, unless she has symptoms as [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] mentioned. As a small pup,if not an emergency I would wait and see. If ever needed, make sure you had a very experienced with Bulldogs vet! :EBNwelcome:
Whoa... 14 weeks... no way, I would not. That is soft tissue which can grow back. Unless it is life threatening, I would wait.

I did get Lambeau nares widen at 16 weeks and it made a drastic difference in his palate , he is now six years old , doesn’t snore and never needed palate surgery.

agree with the gang
Am I being too judgmental? I don't think I like my vet. I have a 14 week old puppy that makes up normal hunking sounds when she breaths. The more excited she is more often she does it. My vet diagnosed her with elongated soft palate. From what I know that can not be a thing that can get diagnosed in young puppy's? Or am I wrong? She also adviced that I have to get a surgery. I'm not sure if I feel safe placing a 14 week old under that surgery

I have absolutely no experience with EBD puppies, I adopted an adult. I have no advice on what to do with your pup, but I see everyone else's point who are experienced puppy peoples. The only advice I can and will give is follow your gut. If you are questioning even liking this vet, don't use that vet. There's a reason for gut instincts, trust them.
Thank you everyone. I just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one who believes I should wait on it before making that type of a decision at her age.

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