
  1. LolaLover

    Eye irritation

    I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice regarding eye irritation. Lola's eyes constantly water and she gets tear stains. I keep underneath her eye clean and try to keep it dry, I also use some Desitin cream to help keep it dry. But now it looks like the very top of her eyelid where her...
  2. D

    Help Needed! Puppy breathing

    Hi all, as I said in my introduction post, I just got my first bulldog yesterday, he's 7 weeks old and it's going to take some time to get used to his various noises. My question is about the breathing issues, Gordon seems to exhale a bit hard, there is no snoring or other noises aside from the...
  3. Enjoimangos

    Tail Pocket Cleaning

    Hi All, Last night I was cleaning out my dogs tail pocket after giving him a bath and I noticed that we were getting a lot of dark brown/red clumps of hair from beneath his tail and he was going insane (loving the butt cleaning). After getting it all cleaned up I could see he has really red...
  4. C

    Help Needed! Tail Amputation or some other unknown illness.

    Hi everyone! We're new to this site. My names Coree, and my 2 year old Bulldogs name is Bubba. We have been battling a medical issue for the last 7 months, and can't seem to find the cause, in order to cure it. I am looking for any advice I can from anyone who has dealt with these same issues...
  5. T

    Eb rubbing his penis with paw

    my eb Chester keeps rubbing his penis what could I clean the tip with?
  6. 4WHLN

    Irritated Eye

    :help: Short summery here: Dooley is having a rough summer this year it seems. Couple weeks ago we were at the vet for his bi-annual right ear infection.I tell ya, these Louisiana summers play hell on a EBD ear canal no matter how clean you keep them. I guess one is better than both am I...
  7. 4WHLN

    Possible Tail Issue??? Dunno

    OK so lately Dooley has developed something that is bothering him around his Tail area back there. I am not sure if it is some sort of pain/discomfort or something itching him. He will be fine one minute and the next he will take off running to his bed or the rug in the living room, only two...
  8. BuddercupKelly

    Help! New skin problem....

    My Dozer's face has been itching and the hair is falling out in between his folds and it is getting really crusty, even with cleaning several times. I clean them several times a day and always have and he's never had this kind of problem. As a matter of fact, this is all new. I've been giving...
  9. Chevysmom

    Infected tail pocket

    OK I know Chevy is 15 wks old n yes I should have known what a tail pocket was but I was told it was a roll on top of there tail n my chevy did not have one so I read the arrival called what is a tail pocket on here and as soon as I came in from work I checked n chev does have one and it has...
  10. M

    Help Needed! New mommy with a lot of questions!

    Hello everyone -not sure if this is the most appropriate forum for this thread - I apologize if it is not! My Henry is almost 11 weeks now, growing and filling us with love and laugh. Potty training, mouthing and obedience are still a work in progress but overall he's healthy and adorable...
  11. P

    I've Hired a Trainer... it's time to admit I need help

    I've written in before about Josephine and the Pugs. We have had a lot of changes around here and a week ago decided to hire a trainer to come to the house. The biggest change has been my 2 oldest Pugs have gone to the bridge. At over 15 and over 12 I tell myself they had good lives but it...
  12. L

    Desperate for Advice on My Bulldog--

    Hi, everyone, I'm new here and so glad to be in the company of people who know and love English bulldogs. I've loved them always and am the happy owner of three rescued English bulldogs. I do my best for them but I'm at a loss on what to do for one of them, Princess. She is 5 and I've had her...
  13. Raspberryswirl

    Weird Tail Pocket?

    Hey all! So recently I noticed Mister O doing the boot scoot, and checked his little stubtail to see what was going on down there. At first I hadn't thought he had much of a tail pocket, but after closer inspection there is a small pocket UNDER the tail. Obviously since I didnt know it was...
  14. Sophia the bullshark

    cleaning lady bits

    Im wondering what everyone with a female bully uses to clean their girls lady bits....I use baby wipes right now I figure if its ok for a human babys bits its ok for my bully . My girl has discoloration of the skin and hair in that area and feel she could use a bit more help in the cleaning...
  15. Hankster

    Foot rince/drink it up

    So I was just reading on different ways to clean off their paws during this great allergy season we're having. One of them was putting apple cider vinegar in a tub and letting them walk through it or soak in it. (One of karen beckers) well, beings he get so bored standing in his Betadine water...
  16. tiffykay06

    Fur falling out in clumps with white scabs

    Rumble is losing his fur again. This has happened about twice a year for the last year and a half but never this bad. He loses his fur in clumps and the fur has little white pieces on the bottom. Once he loses the fur, his skin is clean meaning no scabs, no blood, just regular skin. We are...
  17. AdorabullHenry

    Tear ducts are red and raw

    My poor Henry's eyes water a bunch. We try to keep them dry and clean with witch hazel, but I was really sick over the weekend and neglected his grooming. Now his tear ducts are red and inflamed and one side looks very raw. Any advice on what I can put on him to soothe and heal it? I don't want...
  18. Libra926

    The Vegas Story... Our life with Epilepsy

    At first, documenting anything and everything Vegas related was very important to me. I wrote this article for a sister forum that has since been shut down. Thankfully Lisa was able to save this article from being deleted. Over the years I've referred people to this article simply to let them...
  19. E

    Help Needed! Vets are Stumped!

    Im posting out of desperation. This little girl (4.5 months) has had this thing growing over the last couple of months. We have been to two vets. At first was diagnosed with staph and e.coli and was given multiple rounds of different antibiotics and they just took samples for a biopsy (stitches...
  20. I


    What do you guys do to help firm stools up when feeding can food? I like feeding can food because my dog needs the extra water intake but having to clean her backside every time gets old. Any ideas?