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  • :halloween17:You have been hit by a Trick or Treater!!! Pass it on to 5 people but you canā€™t return it to the one that tricked you!!!
    Ha ha! Brie started doing it a cpl months ago. She does it more to hubby thn me cos he just moves her..I wake her up n talk to her then move her. I think it s a bytchyness thing too. She is 8 months now ..hopefully it won't get worse as she gets older. She was so snuggly when she was younger...wish she would get back to that. I'm not sure how big she will be. She s 37 pounds now. Her frame isn't big but her front paws are. And her head is
    aww she will get used to... just keep trying! Izzy would lose her patience with me because I was like a paparrazi after her taking pictures non stop... then she would come really close to my face look at the camera, look at me in the eye and jump to bite the camera!
    Aww thank you!!! I am lucky to have a dog that poses for me every time I get the camera to make a video or take a picture of her! Daisy is adorable, how old is she?
    Does Daisy growl n snap or bite you guys if you move her when she's sleeping? Funny thing is, I can move her anytime, from anywhere otherwise and she is fine. Wonder what it is all about?
    Hello, Oops sorry for the late reply. I'm still trying to figure out how to use this forum! He's a purebred, but he's been bred down to be a smaller size/less heavy than most bulldogs. :)
    There is also a free app for English Bulldog News in there too. I like Tapatalk better, but the free app has visitor messages too. So get both lol!
    Sure, by using Tapatalk it's super easy. It's $2.99 from the app store. Oh wait, what kind of phone do you have?
    Yes she is full EBD but from the Trimbull lines, they seem to have a frenchie look to their face. I think Daisy is absolutely PRECIOUS and you should post way more pics of her. She's perfect!
    Yep that's my little pistol! I call her Frenchie because she has the energy of one lol
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