Why do puppies get the poops?


Jul 11, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bentley, Linus, Truman
After dealing with another short-lived but very messy bout of diarrhea from Truman, I started to wonder why do puppies get diarrhea so much?

Is it their immature digestive systems? Immunity? Excitability? I'm just curious since it's such a common and relatively harmless but extremely frustrating problem when you're think the puppy is JUST about housebroken.
I am not exactly sure. I treated our two pups Yuna and Tidus for Coccidia as a preventative- and they never, ever had the runs or diarrhea ever since. This was when they were just little pups. Now Jesse would have bouts of 'slimey' poos before we put her on Fromm, and many times she could not hold it til morning. I think hers had to do with her intestines and digestive system and finding her the right food. Never had a slimey poo since.
Stiggy's poops have also been firm lately, ever since we changed to Fromm 2 weeks ago. Hopefully that's a sign that his intestines are absorbing all the good nutrients.

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