What is owning a Bulldog like?


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Dec 5, 2023
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Hello everyone 👋 ,

I've been contemplating the idea of bringing a Bulldog into my life, and I'm currently torn between the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog. While I'm aware that this forum is mainly focused on English Bulldogs, it would be great to hear from those who may have experience with both breeds.

I would really appreciate any advice or information you can share about your experiences with Bulldogs, including aspects such as their personality, energy levels, health, and any other details - basically anything and everything about the realities of owning a Bulldog!
Welcome! I have both and there are a couple people on here that do as well. The first thing I will say is regardless of what breed you decide on, make sure you do your research in locating and fining a reputable and ethical breeder. It will make all of the difference in the world and you are less likely to have health issues. With that being said, my Frenchie is 10 years old and is the best dog ever but I will never get another one as they are prone to IVDD and Jax has had to have 4 surgeries to repair herniated discs. There is no way to prevent IVDD. I have 3 bulldogs and they are just as awesome. Frenchie or Bulldog...they are known for being clowns, will keep you laughing and are definitely velcro dogs and love to be with their humans. Both breeds can be stubborn but both are very smart. While Bulldogs have a reputation of being couch potatoes, let me tell you mine are quite the opposite LOL. Louie who will be 7 in February has just now decided to slow down a bit but my two girls who are mother and daughter, 4 and 1, are Energizer bunnies. Louie was the same a few years ago.

Bulldogs are like potato chips...you can can't have just one!
Hello everyone 👋 ,

I've been contemplating the idea of bringing a Bulldog into my life, and I'm currently torn between the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog. While I'm aware that this forum is mainly focused on English Bulldogs, it would be great to hear from those who may have experience with both breeds.

I would really appreciate any advice or information you can share about your experiences with Bulldogs, including aspects such as their personality, energy levels, health, and any other details - basically anything and everything about the realities of owning a Bulldog!
I have an English Bulldog and My brother has a French, if you love a visit to the vet for skin problems then get a French/English Bulldog. they are lovely dogs, super super stubborn! (English) to the point Ralph will tell you where he wants to walk every night, I could have trained him but I just like a dog to have a nice life and not live by the rules :-) avoid poultry in their foods


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Welcome! yes, the forum name is "English" but as Citty mentioned we have many members with both breeds... I'm one of them.
I LOVE both breeds for a lot of the same reasons and a few different. As with any breed they will have traits and similarities, but they all have their own personalities and quirks.

My Frenchie (Chelios) is 12 years old and still thinks he is a 2 yr old puppy, he is a total clown, he is very stubborn and was VERY difficult to house train... didn't fully get it till he was 2 years old. he can be a picky eater and is as velcro as velcro can get. he needed many surgeries for breathing issues (nares, palate, saccules, tonsils). He also has some spine issues that we treat with laser therapy... Cheli has not be officially diagnosed with IVDD but that is the suspected problem.

I've had three bulldogs over the years all VERY different yet somewhat the same. Our first was the greatest dog in the world, so docile, easy to train and loving. However, he had so many issues due to allergies.. as our first dog and learning we weren't able to address a lot of his issues better than we could with all the knowledge (thanks to EBN) I have now. Our second was a female and she was as Citty stated of her two, an energizer bunny... she one ON 24/7, ready to play or take out whatever she could. She was a 9 year training session because if she had the smallest of windows to take advantage she would. Other than having surgery to remove a stone she ate... she was incredibly healthy but did have some food allergies. Our current boy just turned 9 and he is a good blend of our first two... sweet docile with humans, but hates other dogs so with him we have to be alert to surroundings when out or at the vet office. he has a ton of environmental allergies, but are identified via testing and were under control using diet and cytopoint shots.

All our pups have been fed raw... our first didn't have that till he was older (like I said we were new and had to learn what worked best for each)
Bulldogs are the best breed hands down. Baguettes are cute, but I've never owned one.

Like @Cbrugs said, finding a reputable breeder should be your #1 priority. This means being ready to wait a while. Visit dog shows, communicate with local Bulldog clubs. Find preservation breeders and ask questions to the owners of their pups.
Welcome! I have both and there are a couple people on here that do as well. The first thing I will say is regardless of what breed you decide on, make sure you do your research in locating and fining a reputable and ethical breeder. It will make all of the difference in the world and you are less likely to have health issues. With that being said, my Frenchie is 10 years old and is the best dog ever but I will never get another one as they are prone to IVDD and Jax has had to have 4 surgeries to repair herniated discs. There is no way to prevent IVDD. I have 3 bulldogs and they are just as awesome. Frenchie or Bulldog...they are known for being clowns, will keep you laughing and are definitely velcro dogs and love to be with their humans. Both breeds can be stubborn but both are very smart. While Bulldogs have a reputation of being couch potatoes, let me tell you mine are quite the opposite LOL. Louie who will be 7 in February has just now decided to slow down a bit but my two girls who are mother and daughter, 4 and 1, are Energizer bunnies. Louie was the same a few years ago.

Bulldogs are like potato chips...you can can't have just one!
Thank you for the advice! Your dogs seem like a fun handful of mischief!

I'm sorry to hear about your Frenchie, and I hope he's doing well. I was contemplating getting a Dachshund a few years ago, so I’ve done some research on IVDD. Out of curiosity, do you know of any resources that you would recommend for learning about IVDD? I'm eager to know more about it.
I have an English Bulldog and My brother has a French, if you love a visit to the vet for skin problems then get a French/English Bulldog. they are lovely dogs, super super stubborn! (English) to the point Ralph will tell you where he wants to walk every night, I could have trained him but I just like a dog to have a nice life and not live by the rules :-) avoid poultry in their foods
Such sweethearts 😍
Welcome! yes, the forum name is "English" but as Citty mentioned we have many members with both breeds... I'm one of them.
I LOVE both breeds for a lot of the same reasons and a few different. As with any breed they will have traits and similarities, but they all have their own personalities and quirks.

My Frenchie (Chelios) is 12 years old and still thinks he is a 2 yr old puppy, he is a total clown, he is very stubborn and was VERY difficult to house train... didn't fully get it till he was 2 years old. he can be a picky eater and is as velcro as velcro can get. he needed many surgeries for breathing issues (nares, palate, saccules, tonsils). He also has some spine issues that we treat with laser therapy... Cheli has not be officially diagnosed with IVDD but that is the suspected problem.

I've had three bulldogs over the years all VERY different yet somewhat the same. Our first was the greatest dog in the world, so docile, easy to train and loving. However, he had so many issues due to allergies.. as our first dog and learning we weren't able to address a lot of his issues better than we could with all the knowledge (thanks to EBN) I have now. Our second was a female and she was as Citty stated of her two, an energizer bunny... she one ON 24/7, ready to play or take out whatever she could. She was a 9 year training session because if she had the smallest of windows to take advantage she would. Other than having surgery to remove a stone she ate... she was incredibly healthy but did have some food allergies. Our current boy just turned 9 and he is a good blend of our first two... sweet docile with humans, but hates other dogs so with him we have to be alert to surroundings when out or at the vet office. he has a ton of environmental allergies, but are identified via testing and were under control using diet and cytopoint shots.

All our pups have been fed raw... our first didn't have that till he was older (like I said we were new and had to learn what worked best for each)
Thank you for sharing insights! Regarding Bulldog energy levels, do you find them to be quite adaptable? My energy levels fluctuate daily, so having a dog that can match that would be great. I'm interested by the idea of a raw diet but feel overwhelmed by information online - some of it is so conflicting! I'd love to hear more about your dogs' diets if you're able to share.
Bulldogs are the best breed hands down. Baguettes are cute, but I've never owned one.

Like @Cbrugs said, finding a reputable breeder should be your #1 priority. This means being ready to wait a while. Visit dog shows, communicate with local Bulldog clubs. Find preservation breeders and ask questions to the owners of their pups.
I have to say that I had a good giggle at you calling Frenchies baguettes 😂

I'll definitely make sure to choose a reputable breeder, whether I go for an English or French Bulldog. After all, there’s no sense in taking unnecessary risks.
Thank you for the advice! Your dogs seem like a fun handful of mischief!

I'm sorry to hear about your Frenchie, and I hope he's doing well. I was contemplating getting a Dachshund a few years ago, so I’ve done some research on IVDD. Out of curiosity, do you know of any resources that you would recommend for learning about IVDD? I'm eager to know more about it.
He is doing well and even at 10 years old, still likes to play, go for walks and zoom around the house or yard. There is a good group on Facebook called French Bulldog IVDD Support.

A fun handful of mischief is a great description of my house!
I have an English Bulldog and My brother has a French, if you love a visit to the vet for skin problems then get a French/English Bulldog. they are lovely dogs, super super stubborn! (English) to the point Ralph will tell you where he wants to walk every night, I could have trained him but I just like a dog to have a nice life and not live by the rules :-) avoid poultry in their foods
God they look like brats. Too funny. ❤️
Quite a few small dogs are on the list for IVDD but there’s also bigger dogs like the Lab, German Shepherds n Dobermans……I know of a few that has the Frenchie’s n none had spinal issues so idk, very hard decisions to make. I’m a big believer in how you feed your dog. My 3 are all on a raw diet n I do see a difference. Dogs thrives more on a raw diet or home cooked meals than any kibbles. Many moons ago, my grandparents fed their dogs scrapes from the table. These farm dogs lived till 18 n more. Most dogs lived old back then & none had shots or being neutered etc. Why I believe, a dog was meant to eat like if they were in the wild. But that’s me n yes, it’s not for everyone.
Thank you for sharing insights! Regarding Bulldog energy levels, do you find them to be quite adaptable? My energy levels fluctuate daily, so having a dog that can match that would be great. I'm interested by the idea of a raw diet but feel overwhelmed by information online - some of it is so conflicting! I'd love to hear more about your dogs' diets if you're able to share.
Yes, they adapt but mostly, at least for Banks, we would know when she needed extra work/play time. In summers her favorite things was playing in the water so it would be sprinkler or pool (baby pool) time in the yard. In winter it was longer walks or play balling in the basement. You will get all this down one you know your pups personality and they know you are the boss.

As for diet, I'm lazy or lucky - depends on how you look at it (LOL)... I have a place about an hour away that I order from and it is shipped to our house. It is all fresh and balance, comes in one pound packages and for our two pups costs us (including shipping) about $275 a month for 40 lbs of food. I'm currently researching other local places to buy from , I still LOVE the food we get, but been having some issues with ordering so I want a back up.
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Hello everyone 👋 ,

I've been contemplating the idea of bringing a Bulldog into my life, and I'm currently torn between the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog. While I'm aware that this forum is mainly focused on English Bulldogs, it would be great to hear from those who may have experience with both breeds.

I would really appreciate any advice or information you can share about your experiences with Bulldogs, including aspects such as their personality, energy levels, health, and any other details - basically anything and everything about the realities of owning a Bulldog!
I recently got my first English Bulldog, after years of having dogs. They have different needs than regular dogs, I wanted to wait until I knew I was ready to handle those needs. Particularly the financial aspect, in my opinion you can search and search for great lineage to avoid health issues but you can never know for certain so don't rely on that when it comes to decision making. My girl had bacterial pneumonia recently, I spent a week on the couch with her giving breathing treatments and water with a medication syringe. I think if I hadn't been in a position to do that (stay at home mom) she wouldn't have made it. Overall, my experience has been nothing short of fantastic, so long as you make proper plans and prepare for the unexpected I think you'll have a great addition to your family.
in my opinion you can search and search for great lineage to avoid health issues but you can never know for certain so don't rely on that when it comes to decision making.

I think I heavily disagree with this statement but I can’t tell if I am reading it right or not.

You should, heavily, search for great lineage and breeder to avoid health issues. Does it mean you should ignore when your pup is having trouble because “it should be healthy”, no. But you definitely need to search for reputable breeders with health tested parents.

Aspiration pneumonia is extremely dangerous. I’m so happy that your baby made it and you were there to provide the support! 😍

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