Tips on keeping a Healthy Immune System


Staff member
Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
Sometimes we receive great info via e-mail that I wanna share with everyone. Thanks to Sandy for sending this to us!

Tips on how to help keep your pet’s immune system healthy
There is a lot that can be done naturally to help boost your pet’s immune system. A strong, healthy immune system is the best ‘armor’ you can give your animal. Here are some of the lifestyle factors that you can employ with your pet’s to keep their immune systems in peak condition and able to ward off recurrent infections:

Make sure that your pet gets un-interrupted sleep – remember the saying: “Let sleeping dog’s lie?” Sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining a strong and healthy immune system!
Ensure that your pet has a wholesome, nutritious diet rich in fresh veg (preferably organic high quality pet food), whole-grains for fiber, and naturally reared proteins.
Exercise and keeping active is not only good for your pet’s body and mind but also helps to optimize immune functioning. In addition regular moderate exercise in the fresh air and sunshine will help to relax your pet and encourage healthy sleep.
Help your pet to maintain a healthy weight. Being too thin or overweight can both depress the immune system
Stress is also bad for the immune system. While small amounts of stress are natural for animals, prolonged stress depresses the immune system. If your pet is showing signs of stress or anxiety it is important to treat it as both anxiety and depression can also compromise the immune system.
Play – the chemicals produced in an animal brain when they are at play are similar to the ‘feel good’ chemicals we experience when we laugh - so happy minds can make happy, healthy cells!
Keep your pets away from cigarette and tobacco smoke (as you would with children). The chemicals contained in even second hand smoke all depress the immune system and have a negative impact on its functioning
Reduce exposure to germs. Keep your pet’s toys and eating bowls clean. Always give your pet fresh water. While walking your pet, try to limit their contact with other animal waste. Although it is virtually impossible, try as hard as you can to limit your pet’s contact with strays, as they may be carriers of germs and disease.
Avoid the wicked antibiotic cycle. While antibiotics may be necessary in some cases, they are generally over-prescribed by vets. Try exploring natural health options as there are many herbs with a long history of use that are well known to strengthen different parts of the immune system.
Don’t ignore severe menstrual symptoms as normal or “part of life”. The symptoms of Immune System can be debilitating and negatively affect your whole life, even your emotional wellbeing. Left untreated Immune System may also worsen and lead to complications.
Take regular exercise - apart from all the other health benefits, exercise will strengthen your liver as well as keep oestrogen levels balanced.
Avoid prescription drugs especially hormonal medications, pain killers and NSAID’s.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet based mainly on organic, whole food with lots of fruit and vegetables. Avoid refined and processed foods as well as caffeine-containing food and drinks as these may contribute to higher levels of estrogen and thus worsening the symptoms of Immune System.
When buying meat or fish, try and buy from organic sources known to come from farms which follow organic farming methods, without the use of antibiotics, growth hormones and artificial pesticides. Make sure that eggs and poultry come from farms which feed whole grain to their birds and no animal derived food.
Make sure your diet includes Omega-3 fatty acids which are found in fish, flax seed, and eggs, and in many available supplements.
Take the time to relax and de-stress. Stress hormones tend to aggravate the pain associated with menstrual cramps and Immune System so consider exploring some relaxing activities, meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises

There is a lot that can be done naturally to help boost your pet’s immune system. A strong, healthy immune system is the best ‘armor’ you can give your animal. Here are some of the lifestyle factors that you can employ with your pet’s to keep their immune systems in peak condition and able to ward off recurrent infections:

Make sure that your pet gets un-interrupted sleep – remember the saying: “Let sleeping dog’s lie?” Sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining a strong and healthy immune system!
Ensure that your pet has a wholesome, nutritious diet rich in fresh veg (preferably organic high quality pet food), whole-grains for fiber, and naturally reared proteins.
Exercise and keeping active is not only good for your pet’s body and mind but also helps to optimize immune functioning. In addition regular moderate exercise in the fresh air and sunshine will help to relax your pet and encourage healthy sleep.
Help your pet to maintain a healthy weight. Being too thin or overweight can both depress the immune system
Stress is also bad for the immune system. While small amounts of stress are natural for animals, prolonged stress depresses the immune system. If your pet is showing signs of stress or anxiety it is important to treat it as both anxiety and depression can also compromise the immune system.
Play – the chemicals produced in an animal brain when they are at play are similar to the ‘feel good’ chemicals we experience when we laugh - so happy minds can make happy, healthy cells!
Keep your pets away from cigarette and tobacco smoke (as you would with children). The chemicals contained in even second hand smoke all depress the immune system and have a negative impact on its functioning
Reduce exposure to germs. Keep your pet’s toys and eating bowls clean. Always give your pet fresh water. While walking your pet, try to limit their contact with other animal waste. Although it is virtually impossible, try as hard as you can to limit your pet’s contact with strays, as they may be carriers of germs and disease.
Avoid the wicked antibiotic cycle. While antibiotics may be necessary in some cases, they are generally over-prescribed by vets. Try exploring natural health options as there are many herbs with a long history of use that are well known to strengthen different parts of the immune system.
Don’t ignore severe menstrual symptoms as normal or “part of life”. The symptoms of Immune System can be debilitating and negatively affect your whole life, even your emotional wellbeing. Left untreated Immune System may also worsen and lead to complications.
Take regular exercise - apart from all the other health benefits, exercise will strengthen your liver as well as keep oestrogen levels balanced.
Avoid prescription drugs especially hormonal medications, pain killers and NSAID’s.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet based mainly on organic, whole food with lots of fruit and vegetables. Avoid refined and processed foods as well as caffeine-containing food and drinks as these may contribute to higher levels of estrogen and thus worsening the symptoms of Immune System.
When buying meat or fish, try and buy from organic sources known to come from farms which follow organic farming methods, without the use of antibiotics, growth hormones and artificial pesticides. Make sure that eggs and poultry come from farms which feed whole grain to their birds and no animal derived food.
Make sure your diet includes Omega-3 fatty acids which are found in fish, flax seed, and eggs, and in many available supplements.

There is a lot that can be done naturally to help boost your pet’s immune system. A strong, healthy immune system is the best ‘armor’ you can give your animal. Here are some of the lifestyle factors that you can employ with your pet’s to keep their immune systems in peak condition and able to ward off recurrent infections:

Make sure that your pet gets un-interrupted sleep – remember the saying: “Let sleeping dog’s lie?” Sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining a strong and healthy immune system!
Ensure that your pet has a wholesome, nutritious diet rich in fresh veg (preferably organic high quality pet food), whole-grains for fiber, and naturally reared proteins.
Exercise and keeping active is not only good for your pet’s body and mind but also helps to optimize immune functioning. In addition regular moderate exercise in the fresh air and sunshine will help to relax your pet and encourage healthy sleep.
Help your pet to maintain a healthy weight. Being too thin or overweight can both depress the immune system
Stress is also bad for the immune system. While small amounts of stress are natural for animals, prolonged stress depresses the immune system. If your pet is showing signs of stress or anxiety it is important to treat it as both anxiety and depression can also compromise the immune system.
Play – the chemicals produced in an animal brain when they are at play are similar to the ‘feel good’ chemicals we experience when we laugh - so happy minds can make happy, healthy cells!
Keep your pets away from cigarette and tobacco smoke (as you would with children). The chemicals contained in even second hand smoke all depress the immune system and have a negative impact on its functioning
Reduce exposure to germs. Keep your pet’s toys and eating bowls clean. Always give your pet fresh water. While walking your pet, try to limit their contact with other animal waste. Although it is virtually impossible, try as hard as you can to limit your pet’s contact with strays, as they may be carriers of germs and disease.
Avoid the wicked antibiotic cycle. While antibiotics may be necessary in some cases, they are generally over-prescribed by vets. Try exploring natural health options as there are many herbs with a long history of use that are well known to strengthen different parts of the immune system.
Don’t ignore severe menstrual symptoms as normal or “part of life”. The symptoms of Immune System can be debilitating and negatively affect your whole life, even your emotional wellbeing. Left untreated Immune System may also worsen and lead to complications.
Take regular exercise - apart from all the other health benefits, exercise will strengthen your liver as well as keep oestrogen levels balanced.
Avoid prescription drugs especially hormonal medications, pain killers and NSAID’s.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet based mainly on organic, whole food with lots of fruit and vegetables. Avoid refined and processed foods as well as caffeine-containing food and drinks as these may contribute to higher levels of estrogen and thus worsening the symptoms of Immune System.
When buying meat or fish, try and buy from organic sources known to come from farms which follow organic farming methods, without the use of antibiotics, growth hormones and artificial pesticides. Make sure that eggs and poultry come from farms which feed whole grain to their birds and no animal derived food.
Make sure your diet includes Omega-3 fatty acids which are found in fish, flax seed, and eggs, and in many available supplements.

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