Tail pocket


Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi Everyone,

Recently weā€™ve had a lot of trouble with our bulldogs tail pocket. It will get infected, then clear up and come right back. Weā€™ve been back and forth to the vet and now since nothing is working they suggested amputation to fix the area. Has anyone had experience with this or done something that keeps their tail pocket clean ?
There are several people on here with experience with tail amputation that I am sure will chime in.

What is your current method of trying to keep the area clean?
I find Corn Starch to work wonders to keep the area dry once you've got it clean. Millie's tail pocket is pretty tight, but I can get corn starch in there with a QTip pretty easily - the corn starch sticks to the qtip and comes off when I wipe it through the pocket.
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My brindle has a tail pocket issue since a pup n sheā€™s now 6.5yrs old. Iā€™ve used an essential oil mix n it works. My previous holistic vet even asked me for the recipe as Nyala was also supposed to get her tail amputated. I refused to put her through the surgery n long healing process but thatā€™s me. I will go the holistic way first. Well it worked. I do have a thread on this website under Essential Oilsā€¦ Have a look. Plz ask if youā€™re not sure of a specific oil as not all oils are for dogs nor cats. Do not alternate/replace oils if you canā€™t find a specific one. Oils are very powerful. Only use quality oils like Young Living or DoTerra.

Originally for ear infection BUT itā€™s great for tail pocket & rashes.


In a 4 ounce glass spray bottle, combine:

15 drops Lavender
15 drops Geranium
15 drops Frankincense
15 drops Basil
10 drops Arborvitae or Thuja

Youā€™ll also need Clear Fractionated Coconut Oil, fill the bottle about 3/4 of the way full. Shake bottle well ā€œbeforeā€œ using.

For tail pocket I used It on Nyala every 2-3days. Eventually once a week then every 2 weeks Etcā€¦ I used fragrance free baby wipes, pour oil mixture on the wipe n wipe till pocket comes out clean n hair free. You might need a few wipes. Some will find this too complicated n go for the amputation. Itā€™s really not it becomes part of maintenance. Takes like a couple mins each time.
As others mentioned daily cleaning is keyā€¦ we used witch hazel on a cotton pad or q-tip for our girl, but with Lambeau, his tail was growing back into him causing deep infection so we had to have it removed
As others mentioned daily cleaning is keyā€¦ we used witch hazel on a cotton pad or q-tip for our girl, but with Lambeau, his tail was growing back into him causing deep infection so we had to have it removed
Most definitely depends on situations like yours.

After years of on and off infections despite daily cleaning, we did the tail amp. Doughnut had a "cinnamon bun" tail, and the older he got the more imbedded it became. I was a mess on the day of surgery. But when I picked him up at the end of the day with metal staples and all (and good drugs), he actually felt better and I felt awful for not doing it sooner.
Hi Everyone,

Recently weā€™ve had a lot of trouble with our bulldogs tail pocket. It will get infected, then clear up and come right back. Weā€™ve been back and forth to the vet and now since nothing is working they suggested amputation to fix the area. Has anyone had experience with this or done something that keeps their tail pocket clean ?
We use Compressed Virgin Coconut Oil mixed in Dooleyā€™s food. Then he gets to play in Epson Salt water two times a week. Helps with his tail pocket and feet cyst. He takes 1/2 a steroid and a antibiotic a day. We had to find what works for him. When pollen is bad we do Apaquel
Hi Everyone,

Recently weā€™ve had a lot of trouble with our bulldogs tail pocket. It will get infected, then clear up and come right back. Weā€™ve been back and forth to the vet and now since nothing is working they suggested amputation to fix the area. Has anyone had experience with this or done something that keeps their tail pocket clean ?
Katieā€™s was growing back into her and had to be done
She was under a year old and miserable
Could not clean it
Sheā€™s five now and itā€™s been weekly cleaning and she is good
Chlorhexidrine on wipes
Tea tree oil after
Hi Everyone,

Recently weā€™ve had a lot of trouble with our bulldogs tail pocket. It will get infected, then clear up and come right back. Weā€™ve been back and forth to the vet and now since nothing is working they suggested amputation to fix the area. Has anyone had experience with this or done something that keeps their tail pocket clean ?
I have had experience with both a manageable tail pocket (Vallie) and an unmanageable tail pocket (Mocha). With Vallie, her pocket was just large enough for my finger to get in and apply anti-yeast infection cream once a week and that really kept the infections to a minimum.

With Mocha, her tail was more of a knot and I couldn't get anything in there to treat it. We opted to have her tail removed; now she has a super cute bully butt.

I wouldn't want to make a recommendation because every person and every dog is different, but I have been pleased with my decisions to amputate and not to amputate given the tail structure.

Hope this helps!
Hi Everyone,

Recently weā€™ve had a lot of trouble with our bulldogs tail pocket. It will get infected, then clear up and come right back. Weā€™ve been back and forth to the vet and now since nothing is working they suggested amputation to fix the area. Has anyone had experience with this or done something that keeps their tail pocket clean ?
We have walked in your shoes. My first EB had terrible issues with his tail pocket. We tried everything and it would come and go for yearsā€¦but the last time he would just cry every time it was cleaned and we both had enough. He did have an amp (Cornell is in my hometown and have done tons of them). He did amazing. I was shocked at the size of the incision..at least 100 staples and a huge tegaderm (plastic wound cover). He had an epidural and they pulled the Catheter just before discharge after giving him a long acting pain med. He was on pain meds every 8 hours for 3 days and never seemed in pain. His recovery was quick and we never had a problem again. If you have both done everything and he still has issues donā€™t hesitate to have it done..by a Surgeon with experience. It sounds terrifying but was like a miracle($$$) for him. Good luck
Hi Everyone,

Recently weā€™ve had a lot of trouble with our bulldogs tail pocket. It will get infected, then clear up and come right back. Weā€™ve been back and forth to the vet and now since nothing is working they suggested amputation to fix the area. Has anyone had experience with this or done something that keeps their tail pocket clean ?
Hello, we had the same issue with our Bulldog. You need to keep the area clean and DRY every day. Douxo wipes are great to clean that area, try to avoid lakes, pools etc. It can be that she/he has what is called "in grow tail" and in this case it has to be removed surgically ( which it was the case with our dog).
Good luck.
Hi Everyone,

Recently weā€™ve had a lot of trouble with our bulldogs tail pocket. It will get infected, then clear up and come right back. Weā€™ve been back and forth to the vet and now since nothing is working they suggested amputation to fix the area. Has anyone had experience with this or done something that keeps their tail pocket clean ?
Hi thereā€¦ my Bruno has a very deep corkscrew tail pocket and since he was a pup we have had issues. We live in Florida and the humidity is terrible along with all the allergies his pocket gets yeast and fungal infections all the time ( even though he gets his ā€œbutt buttā€ cleaned every day and every time he pooā€™sā€ Bruno is 7 now and trust me when I say weā€™ve tried everything under the sun. What I have found that works the best to keep everything under control is using baby wipes (alcohol and scent free) to clean all the daily yucks out then I take a cotton round to make sure itā€™s dry in there and then ā€¦ the best thing everā€¦. I use Monkey Butt powder. Itā€™s used to prevent chaffing but is amazing for Brunoā€™s butt butt. I put some of the powder on a cotton round and basically just pat the stuff in there. By the next day his tail is so much better if not completely healed. He goes Crazy as soon as he sees me getting the stuff ready.. I also give him and my Frenchie Yoda a couple scoops of yogurt at least 2 or 3 times a week which helps with the yeast infections.. plus they love it!


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Hi thereā€¦ my Bruno has a very deep corkscrew tail pocket and since he was a pup we have had issues. We live in Florida and the humidity is terrible along with all the allergies his pocket gets yeast and fungal infections all the time ( even though he gets his ā€œbutt buttā€ cleaned every day and every time he pooā€™sā€ Bruno is 7 now and trust me when I say weā€™ve tried everything under the sun. What I have found that works the best to keep everything under control is using baby wipes (alcohol and scent free) to clean all the daily yucks out then I take a cotton round to make sure itā€™s dry in there and then ā€¦ the best thing everā€¦. I use Monkey Butt powder. Itā€™s used to prevent chaffing but is amazing for Brunoā€™s butt butt. I put some of the powder on a cotton round and basically just pat the stuff in there. By the next day his tail is so much better if not completely healed. He goes Crazy as soon as he sees me getting the stuff ready.. I also give him and my Frenchie Yoda a couple scoops of yogurt at least 2 or 3 times a week which helps with the yeast infections.. plus they love it!
Gold stuff!
Anti Monkey Butt Powder is formulated with a cornstarch base, kaolin (for extra chafing protection), sodium bicarbonate (for fighting odor) and powdered calamine (for soothing). šŸ‘
As others mentioned daily cleaning is keyā€¦ we used witch hazel on a cotton pad or q-tip for our girl, but with Lambeau, his tail was growing back into him causing deep infection so we had to have it removed
You had it removed how was that and do you have after healed pics. I may have to get my Frankieā€™s tail done.
You had it removed how was that and do you have after healed pics. I may have to get my Frankieā€™s tail done.
It was fine... he was restricted for a period of time, but he healed up beautifully. He didn't even know anything took place and was wanting to play the next day. First picture is a few days after surgery and the second is a month later


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