Tail pocket cleaning questions.


Active member
Mar 16, 2012
Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi All,

Frankie has a deep tail pocket and we clean it daily.
There is no infection and his butthole it to the left of the tail not under it.
Every time we wipe after poops clean and dry. Then hours later we wipe again and there is a non stinky moisture that builds up, what is this and is it normal? Seem to never dry out thoughts, there is no pain infection or pus just a clear moisture?
Thanks for your thoughts and help.


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Hey there neighbour…..

My brindle Nyala has same issue since a pup n she’s almost 8.5yr old. Ive used essential oils for all them yrs. It’s never dry n like Bongo it stays moist. You’re in Coq so you should have snow like us n moisture will stick around in that tail. In the summer if you noticed it’s not as bad right? Unless you hit the beaches. I think since Bongo doesn’t have any pus or infection, try using a paper towel to dry it out. Do it daily if you can. I use a glove n go to the back wall of the tail to make sure I clean everything.
Oh so sorry. I saw Bongo n thought…….. Ok Frankie it is👍 How old is Frankie?
I’m central Alberta. I use to live in Vancouver, stayed under a year. Work related.
Helene has you covered

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