Stig's thrown up twice, causes?


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
Stig threw up after breakfast yesterday and we thought it was due to me putting a little apple cider vinegar in his water (I read that it was a natural flea, tick, mosquito repellent). Not too sure if he threw up after dinner last night because we left to go to the store for a couple of hours. We found a yellowish stain beside the stairs and next to his crate, but it wasn't soaking wet (unless he ate it back :eek:).

However, he again threw up an hour ago. All that came out was the yellowish bile because we're fasting him so he can start the raw diet tonite.

His energy level decreased a little the past week, but we're thinking it's mainly due to him going to a doggy daycare Thursday last week, and again this past Wed and Fri. Now we're not too sure.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what may be causing his throw ups or what we can do to stop it?
It does sound like stomach bile that he's throwing up. Its hard to say because Beefy does thst from time to time when he has an upset tummy. I just give him some childrens pepto and some pedialyte. If they ever get sick I usually give them chicken broth instead of food till their tummy settles. I don't think its the cider because I give that to Georgia and Beefy a few times a week but all dogs are different so it could be possible
The only thing that comes to my mind is similar to what would happen if I put my kids in school.

My kids are home schooled and NEVER hardly get sick. I learned early on that if my kids go to daycare, mcdonalds playground, around other kids who have a virus- they WILL get it. Because they do not have a built up immunity for all these germs that are in areas where children are populated. So when I take them to the park, everyone gets bathed as soon as we get home. It could very well be that Stig caught something at the doggie day care.

It's a possibility. Even if your dog (or all of the other dogs) has all of their shots, got the bordatella, ect. They are still at risk of getting any of these diseases. Because the manufactuer's guarantee is probably not 100%. Like getting a flu shot, you will not get that particular strain of the Flu, but you could get a strain of the Flu that has altered itself.

Keep a close eye on him, if he is dehydrated or seems lethargic, wont eat, ect. Use your instincts. Noone knows your dog like you do, and if you feel something just is not right you will need to make the decision on whether you should take him in.

I would forget the fasting for right now. It is important to see if he eats.
Sorry to hear Stig is feeling ill.

As the others have said, it sounds like he is throwing up bile, which means it's likely some kind of flu. Bentley has had to the flu before - sour stomach, elevated temperature, lethargy, just like a person. When he was not feeling well, he turned down food too. If you are not too afraid, I like to take my bully's temperature if I think he's sick but it's not for everyone and the thermometer can get "sucked in" if you're not careful.

The other thing that comes to mind is whether or not he got into something - like fuzz or string from a toy? My bullies sometimes throw up that bile stuff in an effort to get that foreign material out of their stomachs, but sometimes it takes a few tries.

I agree with [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], if he is vomiting, I would not withhold food - withholding food and bland diet are indicated more for diarrhea. I would see if he's willing to eat anything and see if he vomits the food or if he brings up just more bile or phlegm. And of course, be sure he's hydrated.

That said, I wouldn't panic too much. Truman and Linus just went through a bout of vomiting due to a bad bag of food and, once I figured out what it was, they were back to normal in no time. Dogs are much more resilient than we are when it comes to these things.
A few weeks ago we woke up on a Sat. morning with Vegas throwing up bile, I think about 5 times, I was so worried, he would not eat or drink, then I remembered he did like ice cubes..have you tried this??? I didn't care about the food but I wanted liquids in him, after a couple hours he was fine, a lot of comments I got was "just like a child" stomach flu, and I really think it was, he has had ALL his shots, so I knew it was not serious, just very concerning. I hope he is feeling better by now and back to his old self, and again "just like a child" of course they can not get sick during NORMAL vet hours, always on the weekends as my skin-kids did which ended up at the ER and 4x the price!!!
Thanks for all the help guys. Stig seems to be fine right now, he's sleeping as we speak. He ate his dinner enthusiastically (ground turkey and green tripe!), and was even searching around for more food.

I first called the vet when Stig threw up this morning and she said that it can be anything, but doesn't think that's it's the mange medicine at this point. She also said to take him to the emergency hospital if we feel that it's best, as we know Stig better than anyone.

But then after I emailed the doggy daycare owner, and she said that she finds that most of her new dogs do throw up bile from time to time. But they eventually get over it after a couple of months (!). She also mentioned that Stig was playing with his best friend Cooper, a boston terrier, and followed him around all day. So hopefully it's from all the hard play he's had this past week. I will be keeping my eye on him though ... but so far so good! :)
LOL Vegas ALWAYS picks the biggest dog whether it be at daycare or dog park, his fav at the dog park is bull-mastiff Mandy who I LOVE and at daycare a Golden Retrevier named Molly he always picks the biggest and that is his BFF anywhere we go!!