Pocket Tail


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Riverside, CA
Bulldog(s) Names
So my Gunny has a pocket tail and I've been warned about making sure to clean it often. Yesterday night I started cleaning it with baby wipes and when I spread part of his skin in order to see it clearly, there was a little section where it was very red like a rash. The rest of his tail/skin area are fine. Normally I clean his tail with baby wipes, then dry it down with a rag, then put some desitin in between. I am surprise to see the rash so am I doing something wrong. Or is there a better way to clean out his pocket tail and keep it dry as well. I'm really trying to avoid any infection or possible amputation as well. :(
EEKK!! wish i could help but we are still battling with Mr.Beefy's tail. I did start the peroxide and cornstarch and it has really helped. Also i've been using monistat 1. I hope yo cna get some better help than me I would HATE for anyone else to go thru what me and Beefy are right now. Also i hate to ask do you have any pics of his tail pocket? I've only seen Beefy's which is in bad shape I just wondered what one is "suppose" to look like.:)
EEKK!! wish i could help but we are still battling with Mr.Beefy's tail. I did start the peroxide and cornstarch and it has really helped. Also i've been using monistat 1. I hope yo cna get some better help than me I would HATE for anyone else to go thru what me and Beefy are right now. Also i hate to ask do you have any pics of his tail pocket? I've only seen Beefy's which is in bad shape I just wondered what one is "suppose" to look like.:)
Thanks for replying. I have a couple friends who volunteer as foster mom for the bulldog rescue so i'm going to ask them if they have any advice also. Don't really have many pictures of Gunny's bum area but I found one that you can kind of see his tail. It's pretty deep so there's not much to see I guess. I'm so sorry for Mr. Beefy, it must be very uncomfortable for him.
His tail looks just like that!!! Well his no tail as i call it lol. Mr.Beefy is my first purebred EB. I had a deaf hybrid before and I have two olde english now so I am familiar and have had some exp with every other problem except tail pockets. I new when i went to pick him up and got a wiff of him that something wasnt right ...but hopefully with alot of time and effort soon he'll be able to sleep in the bed with us....right now he cant:(
I dont have any help on the tail pocket questions since I have been fortunate enough to have an easy pocket on my boy. I have cleaned it a couple times with baby wipes just to see how it is but it is always clean so i dont worry much about it anymore. You will find more advice from others tho so hang in there.
When Samson was only like 7 months old he started scooting his booty across the carpet. Vet said he probably needed an anal gland expression, that didn't help. Then they told me he had an inverted tail and I needed to start cleaning it on a regular basis. They said if it ever got infected I may need to have his tail amputated. Well here he is 4.5 years old, I have always kept it clean and we have never had an issue. The vet back then told me to use Fort Dodge waterless shampoo sprayed on a gauze pad (or something like that), clean under the tail then follow up with malaleb wipes which no longer exists so now I use mal-a-ket wipes. I still do it that way and it works well!

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