Mommy igloo


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
Nyala has started to dig a hole in the pile of snow I was throwing on one side. She's been at it for a week. Today I decided to make the entrance bigger. But she did help. She just wanted to go inside and dig more. Too funny!

Helping dig my igloo.jpgI see the other end.jpgIt's getting there.jpg
[MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] Nyala has a "build your own dog house" kit! Snow doggie!
Go Nyala... looking good! Mom needs to give you some décor and a mailbox
Busy girl! Cool! (in more ways than one)
Busy girl! Cool! (in more ways than one)

Funny... I was gone all day which I do 2x a week from about 8am to 5pm.... I come home, she's running everywhere cause she's so happy to see me. Jumps on n off the sofa, runs across the house. Im trying to reach the back door so she can go pee. I open the back door and she torpedoes all over the yard like losing it. She runs for a quick pee runs back towards the house and decide to run into her igloo and I dont know what she was thinking, rams in the back wall of the hole, whacks her her like a bull, comes out with a big chuck of ice sitting on her head! I just cracked up laughing. Of course i didn't have my phone on me for a photo. What a clown this little Nyala.
Funny... I was gone all day which I do 2x a week from about 8am to 5pm.... I come home, she's running everywhere cause she's so happy to see me. Jumps on n off the sofa, runs across the house. Im trying to reach the back door so she can go pee. I open the back door and she torpedoes all over the yard like losing it. She runs for a quick pee runs back towards the house and decide to run into her igloo and I dont know what she was thinking, rams in the back wall of the hole, whacks her her like a bull, comes out with a big chuck of ice sitting on her head! I just cracked up laughing. Of course i didn't have my phone on me for a photo. What a clown this little Nyala.

What a visual you describe.... [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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I am jealous that you get so much snow. Chunky likes the snow also

The west side of Canada don't get nowhere near as much as the east side. Like from Ontario to Newfoundland gets way more. Here you get snow n cold early but its dry. I like snow. Just the cold I can do without. My GS would just lay on his memory foam lol carpet smack in the middle of cold days and watch, listens, sleeps throughout snow storms. He loved being outside. Sad our EB cant tolerate temperatures. They sure love snow.

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