I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED! Mackie ~~ English Bulldog available for adoption in Chicago, IL ~~ IN LOVING MEMORY


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
Dear Santa:

My name is Mackie; Iā€™m about 4 years old and found my way into CEBR as a stray. Apparently I wandered a little too far out of my yard and before I knew it I had no idea where I was. Talk about scary! Thankfully a nice local shelter took me in and tracked down my family. Sadly, they werenā€™t interested in taking me back. Thatā€™s OK, because I have faith that you and CEBR are going to find me an awesome new family who really want me and is going to love and take care of me forever. A new family is actually all Iā€™m asking for this Christmas. In order to help you out, Santa, Iā€™ve included a little about myself.

For an English Bulldog, Iā€™m a bit on the smaller side. My foster mom calls me her little nugget. Talk about embarrassing! I weigh almost 42 lbs, thatā€™s a pretty big nugget if you ask me! Unlike most bulldogs I have the ability to wiggle my tail. I get super happy when people talk to me and suddenly my whole body just starts to wiggle. Iā€™m told itā€™s pretty cute. All I know is that I love attention and look forward to being showered in it for the remainder of my life!

Once I get over this nagging upper respiratory infection I will only need my daily eye drops. Iā€™m going to need these for the rest of my life to keep my eyes comfortable, so please make sure this is a commitment my new parents are willing to make. I have to admit, I donā€™t love my eye drops, but with the 2 people helping out, I allow it. Speaking of my eyes, due to chronic scarring I do not have the best vision. This slows me down in no way, it just means I run into a few more screen doors than the average guy. I would love a home that will be able to take me on a daily walk. Iā€™m not a big fan of toys so walks are a great way for me to expend my energy. Not that I have a ton of energy or anythingā€¦I certainly donā€™t skimp on naps (couches are my favorite!), but I enjoy a good walk a day. I wouldnā€™t mind living with another dog, as Iā€™m a friendly guy and enjoy the company. My foster mom says Iā€™m very smart and a great listener, I rarely, if ever, cause trouble, so I think I will make your ā€œniceā€ list this year.

I hope you see that Iā€™ve been a very good boy this year and really hope you can find me the best home ever for Christmas! I really love cookies, but Iā€™ll do my best to save a few for you, Santa.



Please go to this page at Chicago English Bulldog Rescue Website:


To find out more about their adoption process.

Please tell them you found them on English Bulldog News :)

Thank you :)

To view more English Bulldogs from Chicago English Bulldog Rescue, click the link below. ILLINOIS- Chicago English Bulldog Rescue
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