Mabel's surgery Tuesday

:hug: prayers and positive thoughts for a safe and successful surgery
The vet said she sailed through the surgery. On top of everything else, she had enlarged tonsils and an inflamed epiglottis. The tonsils were removed and she will be on antibiotics and antihistamines (along with pain killers). The vet is taking her home tonight to keep close watch and if all goes well we can bring her home tomorrow. I can breathe again.☺
Oh Chris that's such a great news and what a relief it is for you and will be for Mabel. So happy it went well. No wonder she couldn't breath.
The vet said she sailed through the surgery. On top of everything else, she had enlarged tonsils and an inflamed epiglottis. The tonsils were removed and she will be on antibiotics and antihistamines (along with pain killers). The vet is taking her home tonight to keep close watch and if all goes well we can bring her home tomorrow. I can breathe again.☺

Yaaaaaaaay... excellent! Now go relax a bit woman! :D :hug:
Amazing to hear this! Very happy for you & sweet Mabel:)
Yay!! So happy she got thru the surgery ok. Now go enjoy a glass or bottle of wine :2thumbs:
Just came on to check in on how Mabel did today, and read that she did great. I'm glad it's over and she is on the way to recovery, she will e back to herself before you know it, and she will have a better quality of life with better breathing. Now you can relax and get a good nights sleep, and tomorrow she will be home. Yeah for Mabel. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
glad everything went smooth - sounds like you have a very caring vet also :doctor:
Wonderful news...just the praying for a fast & uncomplicated recovery.

Chris, this will change life (for the better) for all y'all especially sweet Mabel.

Imagine how great she's gonna be feeling...sendings hugs to my fav girls
Late to this .... So glad it went well. Keep us updated!!
I'm sorry that I missed this yesterday but I so relieved that she is doing better and will be home today :)
Did you speak to the Vet yet? Can you take her home tonight?
I called at about 9 am. They said she was able to eat this morning and kept her meds down. :clap2: They're waiting to see if she poops and if she is able to keep from vomiting today. I have to call back at 2 pm to see how she's doing. If all is OK, I can bring her home this afternoon! I can't wait to hug that little sweetie! :drawheart:

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