bulldog family

New member
Aug 14, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Norman, LeRoy and China
Hey I was trying to PM you, but it said your address was spam... hmmm...
[MENTION=1046]bulldog family[/MENTION], I don't understand what is going on, I talked about it last night with [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION], she said she sent me a few emails and I never received them either??? I have tried to pm others and I don't think they are getting them because I did not receive any responses. I also pm'd you a week ago and never got a response. HHhhhmmmm????
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Kelly,,, apparently you didn't get our addy that I PM'd to you yesterday either.
Facebook I am: Bruce Pett if you want to contact me.
I sent it both times... must not have gotten it the first time either. It's out there in cyberspace somewhere...
[MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION], NOooo I did not get a PM from you either, I just checked my inbox, I know we were suppose to check our inboxes so it did not exceed 500 I am no where close, I don't get why I am not getting messages or someone is not getting mine? [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] I know my name is the color red, but I have not had this problem ever, until this last week????
I may have missed the other thread. [MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION] asked me for my address for christmas cards, and I sent it to her and asked for her address but never got an answer back which I thought was rather strange!!
this is weird! i promise i'm not a creepster prowling for addresses. lol!
this is weird! i promise i'm not a creepster prowling for addresses. lol!

[MENTION=1539]sheila[/MENTION] LOL .. no just wondering if there is some kind of software problem with the site!!! However, please do message me your address so I can send you a christmas card!! :up: Assuming of course you got my reply, and so if you didn't then there is a glitch somewhere! :crazy:

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