Im out of the running for mommy of the year


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Sep 30, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Clipping dexters toes in the tub, he jerked I squeezed -there was blood. I think he split it...

I put cornstarch on it and it quit bleeding for a minute, then I put some in a sock and out that on his foot and taped it on. He doesn't like it but he's behaving normally, kinda. I feel so bad!!!!

Help?? Please???
Oh Hunny, I'm so sorry! You said it stopped bleeding & he's acting normally
so he'll be okay...bullies were bred to fight & kill bulls...they are deep down
tough, tho we treat them like big babies & they eat it up, they are TOUGH!

Things happen so forgive yourself and move forward...sending big hugs
It hasn't bled through the sock, put a tissue in one with corn starch and put his foot in there. Cleaned it best I could and wrapped it. I don't want to mess with it too much tonight, I'll look closer in morning. He's sleeping right now -so makes me feel better
Well crap if that is all it took to take u out then i was out of the running on like january 2nd.
Dont worry he will be fine. Jamsies is constantly pulling his dew claw out. Bleeds like crazy but thats it
I think he's ok... I'll check it out in the morning and maybe try and keep it wrapped and clean so the nail can heal?
Well it happens to the best of us. He should be fine, just try to
keep it clean.
my first nail clip resulted in the same thing.... never did them again. $10 at Petco is worth every penny
[MENTION=6241]Jackieshoes[/MENTION] I would go ahead and take the sock off and see how it looks. It may need to be cleaned again. If it looks good, then I would leave it alone, or maybe a little Neosporin on it, but he'll probably just lick that off.
That or a baby wipe.

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