How did you become a bulldog lover?

My Uncle Monk owned a huge bulldog, when I was growing up. I loved that dog to pieces. I always said I would have one someday.. That some day happened On Febuary 10th 2009...
I have worked with dogs for many years now, and I needed a breed that was gentle and funloving who needed little exercise. I found all this and more with my first Bulldog Lucille Nublett; may she rest in peace. After falling head over heels in love with her I have had many more Bulldogs, all different and exquisit in their own ways. Currently I have three bulldogs, and that is more gas and snoring than any household needs, but I will always have a Bulldog because they are so COOL!
My husband (bulldog) and I just got married (almost 17 years ago!! :eek:) and he wanted to get an English bulldog. First of all, I did not like the price or the dog. I thought they would be a mean type of dog. I was more into Lhasa Apsos and little fluffy lap dogs! I read a bulldog book, (found out how unique and sweet they are) and then I let him have his way, and we took the ferry in Seattle to meet up with the seller. The second I laid my eyes on our puppy "baby" I was in love! I held her the whole ride home, and from that moment on she was by my side. I was officially obsessed with them from that moment on, as Baby was our first "child" we had together! I need to scan a photo of her for the bulldog memorial area. Yes, this was back in the polariod days!
family members had them all my life I always wanted one the price however was just ridiculous to me and the work involved but this year my husband completely surprised me with Winsten ! He is just the best! And already he has a friend on the way her name is Koraline :)


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my first eb is my little diva. she was given to me as a puppy from my father, who, unfortunately at that time, was an irresponsible back yard breeder. i hadn't lived or been to my parents home in ages and had just left my husband (now ex). my father had killed some of my dogs in the past (he went through a strange period of unpredictable emotions after open heart sugery) and so gave me my girl as a gift.
may be it's bc she was such a bright spot during a difficult time. may be it's that she's been with me and gone through so much with me since. may be it's something about waking up to that fat, wrinkly, beautiful face snoring in front of mine in the mornings....or may be it's bc she's simply her, but she's the love of my life.

i have 4 dogs, two of which are eb's and two of which are two different breeds (alapaha blue blood bulldog and a 4.5lb chihuahua-rescues) and i love them all with my life. but there is something about english bulldogs that has my heart forever. my new little dude is almost 7 months old now. i see him doing things and having the same attitude and personality that my girl had and has and it warms my heart.


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Well I have always been a crazy dog lover and my husband always wanted a bully so once we got our minds set that was it. Once we saw our boy for the first time we couldnt wait to get him home. :)


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Growing up I always wanted one but there wasn't a breeder close to me so I got a pug instead which his great. A couple years ago on my birthday I came home from a long day at work and walked into the house and this little wrinkled thing runs up to me with a now on. I picked him up and there was a card attached to him and it read. Happy birthday to the best husband and father in the world and u can mark this off your bucket list. Love my wife and kids. He's now 2 and is my best friend and wouldn't trade him
My intro to Bulldogs was when I was 16, hmmmm, 1958 was the year, my high school mascot was Bulldogs. We had a live mascot that I used to take to football and basket ball games. I vowed I would have my own someday and Ruggles is my 6th!
Nice thread. Have always loved dogs having my first Ace from the time I was 4 years old till I was 16 when he passed. I always liked the bully breeds and in my early 20's had an AmStaff and an APBT. After they were gone I didn't have my own dog, for many years as I lived in a place that made it difficult [I lived then on church property in the parsonage] then when we got our own home in 1999 we still didn't have a dog. Long story short my wife three years ago got a Maltese for Christmas and it was was my first inside dog. The close proximity and companionship revealed to me all I had missed with my outside dogs and I had regret and wanted another Bully breed. First shopped for about a year for another AmStaff and the newer designer breed of American Bully's, supposedly a toned down version of APBT's and AmStaff mix. But my wife was reticent fearing too much drive and might hurt the maltese. She would have allowed it but I knew she was unsure. Eventually started looking at OEB's that had the bully look I was attracted too but also perhaps not as much gameness. So I got Ace. He is all that I was looking for, the right conformation and the right amount of drive.
Hi, love this thread. I always loved animals and dogs as a child, and was never allowed to have a pet, my mom thinks dogs and animals don't belong in the house, and my Dad always said we didn't have time for a dog, too much work. We didn't even have fish. I moved out with my boyfriend at age 17, and lived with his parents, they had a Maltese dog, and I loved having a pet. 3 years later we had our son, and then 2 years later our daughter, when our kids were 4 and 6, we got them their first pet, a Bichon, which we named Chubby. We had lots of other pets throughout their childhood, fish, birds, iguanas, bunnies, and hamsters. Later on when the kids were teenagers we got a Jack Russell that was black and white, and we named her Oreo. She lived for 14 years and passed away 3 years ago, with cancer and old age. After she passed away, I said no more dogs, they are a lot of work, you can't just go away on a trip, so we got our very first cat. She is white and grey and her name is Meeko. We had never had a cat before, but she is really sweet and cuddly. I had always wanted an EB, but having the other dogs, I never thought I would have two at once. I always told my boyfriend of 35 years, we just got married this year lol. So I can now officially call him my hubby. Lol that if I ever got a EB I wanted a male and I would call him Bulldozer. My friend and her family have 6 of them among all they're family members, and they all have human names. I just fell in love with them. She even had them in her wedding party, and wedding pictures, dressed in tuxedos, so cute. So after two years of no dog in the house, I was missing a dog, and told my hubby I wanted one for Mothers Day, and my Birthday combined. I searched for one, and I found my Bulldozer, but when we went to go see him, they also had his sister. My husband really took to her, but I had my mind set on the male, and so we ended going home with both. So now we have Bulldozer, Blossom, Meeko, and our parrot Kiwi. The kids are now 31 and 33, and we are now Grandparents, but we now have our Furbabies too. I love my babies, and wouldn't trade them for any other breed.


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Wow. This is a great necro post. :) I have always loved the breed but knew when I was younger I could not provide the proper care that would be needed. I attended several schools that the mascot was a bulldog and then I was in the Marines and every barracks that I lived in had a house bully for a mascot that everyone helped take care of so I was able to get my fix for several years. Fast forward 20 years and I finay have my baby and love her very much and couldn't be happier. While it was a long wait I am glad I did because it allowed me to grow up and better prepare myself for what it would take to care for these beautiful animals.
My husband had always wanted a bulldog, and to be honest I was very hesitant about getting one. I had heard a lot of rumors regarding their health issues, and I wasn't quite sure what we would be getting ourselves into... LOL When my hubby retired from the Army he got Bella as his "Retirement Dog" if there is such a thing... She was really his baby at first, but after we had her for awhile it became very clear that she cared deeply for our entire pack. Bella was the biggest PITA, but I absolutely feel in LOVE with that girl and I can't tell you how much I miss her :cry: But as they say when life slams the door, God opens a window... now I get to raise her favorite baby Winston.
My kids bugged me to get a dog for years. I wanted to wait until I retired from th police department so I could give it the attention that was needed. I had a Bassett hound years ago and I wanted another. My brother was crazy about bulldogs but never got one because of the health issues. I never knew there were bulldog rescues out there until a cousin told me about the Long Island bulldog rescue. I was totally clueless and uninformed. I requested a puppy and I wanted him to be white and healthy. I didn't realize at the time what a jerk i was and that the whole point of these rescues is to place these beautiful bullies who are sometimes sick and in need of medical attention into loving homes. They sent me a pic of Chumley who was 8 months old and nearby. I fell in love with him and got him the next day. He was cut up on the face and head because the previous owners had 2 huge bull mastiffs that constantly attacked chum. He had a bad case of worms also that was untreated for months. It wasn't until after I had him that I truly fell in love with the breed and learned all about them and what the rescues are all about. I'm now a sucker for every auction, benefit, or fundraiser to help these poor bullies in need. My wife rolls her eyes every time the mail comes and it's something bulldog like a salt and pepper shaker I bought for 50 bucks..I am now head over heels obsessed with bulldogs! .
My kids bugged me to get a dog for years. I wanted to wait until I retired from th police department so I could give it the attention that was needed. I had a Bassett hound years ago and I wanted another. My brother was crazy about bulldogs but never got one because of the health issues. I never knew there were bulldog rescues out there until a cousin told me about the Long Island bulldog rescue. I was totally clueless and uninformed. I requested a puppy and I wanted him to be white and healthy. I didn't realize at the time what a jerk i was and that the whole point of these rescues is to place these beautiful bullies who are sometimes sick and in need of medical attention into loving homes. They sent me a pic of Chumley who was 8 months old and nearby. I fell in love with him and got him the next day. He was cut up on the face and head because the previous owners had 2 huge bull mastiffs that constantly attacked chum. He had a bad case of worms also that was untreated for months. It wasn't until after I had him that I truly fell in love with the breed and learned all about them and what the rescues are all about. I'm now a sucker for every auction, benefit, or fundraiser to help these poor bullies in need. My wife rolls her eyes every time the mail comes and it's something bulldog like a salt and pepper shaker I bought for 50 bucks..I am now head over heels obsessed with bulldogs! .
I'm so glad that you rescued Chumley... breaks my heart to think about his previous home :*(

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