Hello from NY...


New member
Jun 27, 2013
Washingtonville, NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Good Morning, I just wanted to take the time to say hello and thank EBN for all the help and guidance we have received in preparing from Maggie's arrival. We have less then 24 hours to go and Maggie will finally be here, she is 8 weeks old. We have done so much reading and research and it seems we always turn to EBN for the best advise and tips. Maggie is not only our first EBD but she is our first puppy as well. We are both excited and nervous about Maggie's arrival, we know she is going to be just as much of a challenge as she is a joy. In speaking with the breeder, we already have 2 challenges on our plate that we are aiming to fix as soon as possible. It seems Maggie is not taking to crate training very well and is going to the bathroom in her crate. She is also on Purina Healthy Puppy which after much research we know needs to be changed sooner than later. Thanks to EBN we have decided to go with Fromm Gold Puppy and hope to make the transition overtime and successfully. We are looking forward to our newest addition to the family. It makes it easier knowing we always have a group we can turn to for help and advice.
:smileywelcome: to EBN! What an exciting time for you!! I am sure that Maggie will bring much joy to you and you will find the members on here to be so helpful when you have questions or concerns. Can't wait to see pics of little Maggie :)
Welcome to the family, although it sounds like you have been here a while. ;) congrats on getting your new baby! As you must know, pictures are needed ASAP. :lol:
welcome...can't wait to see your new baby!
:clap2: Bravoā€¦.For finding EBN, then again for doing the research needed for a healthy puppy, In considering the food change for the benefit of Maggie, to get her away from the junk food. I can certainly tell you've been reading alongā€¦..Wow !! Awesome !! Here at EBN you know we all share the same passion in life, and that's our bully's. :) Now a new question Kimā€¦ā€¦ My question is this, How big is the crate they are trying to acclimate Maggie to? Is it divided off, or does the little Lady have plenty of room?
:welcome3: to EBN, glad you have joined!!! A new puppy in the home :) wow how fun that will be! Can't wait to see pictures of little Maggie and watch her grow remember to take lots and lots of pictures, they grow so fast!!!
:hiya: Great to "formally" meet you! You have a busy and exciting time ahead! I'm certain, as prepared as you are, Miss Maggie will do just fine! I think the most important thing ahead of you...is lots and lts of Bully kisses! :D
:smileywelcome: to EBN. :)

We were in the same place as you last December. Waiting on our first dog who also happened to be an English Bulldog.
I did the same thing, search for info. and then found this forum. All I can say is EBN has been a godsend to me. We were so prepared for Blue that when we got him, there were no major surprises.

Keep reading, and asking questions. And don't forget to take and post LOTS, and I mean LOTS of pics when you bring Maggie home! :clap2:
The crate Maggie is currently in a one of those small plastic carry crates...right now she only weight about 6lbs so we hope the issue is the crate size. We went out and purchased a full size crate last night that has a divider we can adjust as she grows. We will be introducing her to her new crate when she arrives. As soon as Maggie arrives we will be sure to post pictures :)


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Hello and :welcome3: to EBN..... Maggie is adorable!!!!!

Best of luck with her and be sure to post more pictures....
:welcome3: And Congratulations! Looking forward to pics of Maggie soon.

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