DNA tests


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2015
Houston, TX
From England
Bulldog(s) Names
Buster 2013-2023 Monty 6/2010 - 1/2020 Chumly 2002-2014
After a recent post about DNA tests and their accuracy, I thought I would share this. It is interesting, but you have to watch to the very end of the video for the final disclosure!1!

Pretty much what I would expect! Wonder if someone sent their own sample/human, what they would come up with!:LOL:
Pretty much what I would expect! Wonder if someone sent their own sample/human, what they would come up with!:LOL:
When I posted that video cause I had to look for it, there is a video on a human that did send out his dna. Iā€™ll try to look for it. Btw I know there are animal dna similar to humans. A cow is one lolll
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Pretty much what I would expect! Wonder if someone sent their own sample/human, what they would come up with!:LOL:
That is exactly what they did at the end of the video!
I know I did but couldnā€™t remember where I put it loll
Uh oh. I didn't realise it had been posted before. Sorry about the duplicate! But yes, the human is at the end of this video. That's why I said watch to the very end!!
total proof --- it is a money grab!
Sounds intriguing! šŸ˜„ Could you share a bit more about the video or the information you found interesting? I'm curious to know more, and I'm sure others would be too.

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