General Question Dental Cleanings--Opinion?


New member
Apr 9, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Winni, Hank, Otis
We've had 4 Bulldogs (3 currently) over the years and our vet has always been of the opinion that putting our Bulldogs under to clean their teeth--the benefits don't outweigh the risks because anesthetistizing Bulldogs can be somewhat tricky. He checks their teeth but he never recommends cleanings for any of them. Does everyone get annual teeth cleanings for their bullies?

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NOPE… IMO it's a racket, I get my dogs marrow bones or antlers regularly and that keeps their teeth super clean. There was a dateline story regarding vets overcharging for cleaning, my MIL told me yesterday that a local vet here in town wants to charge her $275 to clean her cat's teeth!!! :ohmy: I was absolutely floored!!!
That's a great Vet, keep him!

Lost my 1st bully ( rescued) to teeth cleaning. His teeth were in terrible condition
and he'd started not wanting to eat so I took him in for a exam for abcessed teeth.
I'd never had a dog (or cat) needing dental cleaning so I was torn because his were
horrible and wasn't sure what to do because of the risk. However, he was neutered
(been thru surgery) and youngish (eat 3-5 yrs) so I had labs done, all looked great
so scheduled his cleaning. Brutus came thru great, he had infection so was given
antibiotic shots while under (research later said this certain antibiotics can cause
heart to stop so NEVER administer while they're under) and they called to say he
was up and I could pick him up. Fifteen minutes later they called, he was gone.
Another tip-after surgery make sure they keep them intubated & IN the surgery
room a bit so if they start struggling they can give oxygen immediately, Brutus
had been taken to the back & caged. Minutes count!...there's no time to try &
reintubate and difficult as their airway is now swollen & inflamed. I'd only had
Brutus 7 months, I was his 4th or 5th owner, he'd been passed on & on, no
reason I know of other than stupid, selfish & uncaring people that probably did
not know how much time bully care takes, etc so just bailed on him...he was a
fabulous boy and so hungry for love, had been crated all his life, didn't know how
to play, wasn't house trained (long hours in crate) when I got him his face stank,
it was so infected-latest owner a Nurse ;(

Losing him shattered my already broken heart (lost my husband 2 months earlier),
we bonded immediately, he was beautiful, loved car rides, was so smart, loving &
loyal and had impeccable manners, he was just learning how to be a dog when he
died and living a good life and being loved.

His teeth never had to be in horrible shape, just proof of utter neglect by so many
owners that cared NOTHING for him. Brutus (and all of them) deserve better, so
much better!

This is beautiful & wonderful Brutus below in my signature line <3
I always gave like [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION] posted. Bones with marrow, "rubber" balls or rubber ridgid toys as the rubber ones will clean teeth and keep them white. It's not all dogs that have issues or gum disease. Like humans, either you're lucky and have great teeth or you dont. And yes you do have to take care of your teeth. In the wild example you won't see teeth issues as wolves will eat raw bones, chew on branches etc. My friend took a rescue dog and had horrible and I mean horrible teeth. So black n rotton wasn't funny. Vet clean them once and without putting him under. After that first cleaning my friend gave him raw bones with marrow n mostly rubber toys. Today, his teeth are so white n very healthy. Guess previous owners didn't know how to feed or take care of him.

Sorry, but a vet that never recommends to "clean teeth" errrrrr, me, personally, I would change vet. Unless your dog has gum disease then it's another story. But if all 3 dogs don't, im sure that you will make the right decision. :)
[MENTION=15737]spectacularone[/MENTION] I have had many breeds of dog in my lifetime. I have never had to have their teeth cleaned,except poodles,who are notorious for bad teeth. All the dogs have always had nylabones and big beef bones to chew,and never needed cleaning. Unless a bullie's teeth are just horrible and bacteria filled-putting their heart and health in jeapordy,I wouldn't take the chance, unless there is another procedure necessary,such as neutering,spaying,etc.other that needs sedation. Just my op.
Our vet is the same as yours.... no cleaning. We have marrow, bones, antlers and other chew toys for them which helps keep the teeth nice and clean
That's a great Vet, keep him!

Lost my 1st bully ( rescued) to teeth cleaning. His teeth were in terrible condition
and he'd started not wanting to eat so I took him in for a exam for abcessed teeth.
I'd never had a dog (or cat) needing dental cleaning so I was torn because his were
horrible and wasn't sure what to do because of the risk. However, he was neutered
(been thru surgery) and youngish (eat 3-5 yrs) so I had labs done, all looked great
so scheduled his cleaning. Brutus came thru great, he had infection so was given
antibiotic shots while under (research later said this certain antibiotics can cause
heart to stop so NEVER administer while they're under) and they called to say he
was up and I could pick him up. Fifteen minutes later they called, he was gone.
Another tip-after surgery make sure they keep them intubated & IN the surgery
room a bit so if they start struggling they can give oxygen immediately, Brutus
had been taken to the back & caged. Minutes count!...there's no time to try &
reintubate and difficult as their airway is now swollen & inflamed. I'd only had
Brutus 7 months, I was his 4th or 5th owner, he'd been passed on & on, no
reason I know of other than stupid, selfish & uncaring people that probably did
not know how much time bully care takes, etc so just bailed on him...he was a
fabulous boy and so hungry for love, had been crated all his life, didn't know how
to play, wasn't house trained (long hours in crate) when I got him his face stank,
it was so infected-latest owner a Nurse ;(

Losing him shattered my already broken heart (lost my husband 2 months earlier),
we bonded immediately, he was beautiful, loved car rides, was so smart, loving &
loyal and had impeccable manners, he was just learning how to be a dog when he
died and living a good life and being loved.

His teeth never had to be in horrible shape, just proof of utter neglect by so many
owners that cared NOTHING for him. Brutus (and all of them) deserve better, so
much better!

This is beautiful & wonderful Brutus below in my signature line <3

:tissue:i am so sorry that happened to you.. its so hard loosing a pet and even worse when the cause could have been easily avoided.. bless you for making his last days like they should have been.. My odie past away 3 days after we buried my dad so I understand the hurt you have felt..
:tissue:i am so sorry that happened to you.. its so hard loosing a pet and even worse when the cause could have been easily avoided.. bless you for making his last days like they should have been.. My odie past away 3 days after we buried my dad so I understand the hurt you have felt..

Yes, you do know, I'm so sorry you suffered your Dad's death then lost your Odie.
Thank you very much for your kind words, my dear friend...God bless you!

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