Continually going to the door


New member
Jul 18, 2013
Dallas, TX
Bulldog(s) Names
So we are still working on house training....and at 3 months old we have had no poops in the house at all. (knock on wood) Several pees, but nothing abnormal for a pup. She has the idea that outside is where to go, but she goes to the door about 50 times a day. Sometimes she goes to the bathroom, but many times she just goes out there and sits down. She seems to love going outside. But I can't spend all day sitting out there with her. But then again, if I don't let her out, I am risking that she may actually have to go. How am I supposed to know the difference? I have to let her out in the front because there is no grass in the backyard (only deck) and a swimming pool that is not fenced in. So I'm afraid to leave her out front alone.....
Yes, all my dogs seem to love it outside. It is so hot and humid-and they still go out and sit in the sun! I have to make them come in! As for pup---sounds like she has you tricked,eh?! You could start "timing" her when she does poop or pee. Most pups pretty much get on a schedule-IF you have one. Mine usually go after they eat, when waking up from a nap, after playing. Those are the main . When she goes, and then goes again the next time-try to keep track of when she DOES go, and then you can tell easier, if it's more likely that she does have to go. There may be a few misses, if you DON'T take her out(of course you will feel guilty....) but she needs to have a fairly regular schedule, so that you CAN tell-it it's for real, or she just wants outside. She may have to go a couple of times in between the "main" times.:potty:
Try to set a schedule for actual potty breaks.... we can tell when Banks just wants to be outside (she LOVES being out) or she has to go. We do breaks after play sessions, and within 30 mins of eating. Then we also try to do every 1.5 to 2 hours . we are crazt about keeping them on schedule so we over due it,
They just want to be outside. We taught Luca to ring the bells we hung from the doorknob when he has to go potty. What ended up happening was he would ring the bells when he wanted to go play outside.
Well it seems she has gotten you trained well LOL

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