???Cinnamon and Coconut Oil????

Gertie's Mom

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Community Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
SanTan Valley, Az.
Bulldog(s) Names
Gertie & Ida
The other day I read about the many benefits of giving cinnamon, so I figured I'd give it a try. I added about 1/2 a tsp. to the girls' breakfast. After just a couple days I noticed that Ida's face was really getting red. The only thing that I could think of that I was doing differently was the cinnamon. So as of yesterday, no more cinnamon and already, her face is so improved! Does anyone else give their Bully cinnamon? And have you noticed a problem like this?

Then I have questions about Coconut Oil. I read on a "red face" post that coconut oil is good. I got some yesterday, but really don't know what to do with it. I'm assuming I put this on her face, or do I feed it to her? I don't think she even needs it right now, but if I need it later, it would be good to have. Also, noticed something about "yeast cream" on the posts I was reading. What exactly is it I should get? I've decided to put together a list of things I can just have on hand if I need them. So if anyone would like to share with me their list of good things to keep handy, I'd appreciate it!!
Hmm I hadn't tried the cinnamon yet but I was going to. I'll definitely watch out for any changes it may cause Samson like it did Ida. I'm not sure about the coconut oil, if that suggestion was to be fed or to actually put it on the skin. I have never used pure coconut oil but I know my dog shampoo uses coconut oil as its cleaning agent. I use the hypoallergenic Tropiclean shampoo, its soap/fragrance free, the coconut oil is the cleaning agent. So I know you can put it on their skin just not sure if its safe to use pure coconut oil.
I'm assuming I bought the right stuff. I got this in the area of the grocery store where the cooking oils are. It's safe for people, so I'm thinking it could be added to food like Salmon Oil, but I know some members use peanut butter on faces, so is this what should be done with the coconut oil? Another question just came to mind... If her face turned red, is it yeast? Or are there other "red faces" that aren't yeast? I've never dealt with anything with the girls' faces, so I'm clueless. (Can you tell? :confused:)
You know if it turned red that quickly after adding it and then went away after you stopped I would assume she is allergic to cinnamon. Did it seem to bother Gertie at all? If not I would assume Ida is just allergic to cinnamon, we all know how sensitive bullys are to different foods. Some are ok with one thing while another is not.
Nope, Gertie wasn't bothered at all. Guess I won't do anything for now, and hope for the best. If it is yeast, it has to be treated, right? That won't just go away on it's own, will it?
I'm assuming I bought the right stuff. I got this in the area of the grocery store where the cooking oils are. It's safe for people, so I'm thinking it could be added to food like Salmon Oil, but I know some members use peanut butter on faces, so is this what should be done with the coconut oil? Another question just came to mind... If her face turned red, is it yeast? Or are there other "red faces" that aren't yeast? I've never dealt with anything with the girls' faces, so I'm clueless. (Can you tell? :confused:)

With my personal experience with Vegas when he has a yeasty face it STINKS!!! at other times it can be red with no smell. So I think there is a difference.
I currently give all our dogs their food and then I add a tablespoon of natural plain yogurt (organic if possible). At this point the hubby starts to roll his eyes ....

This is then topped off by some carrot matchsticks, or just shredded carrot. I try and get the julienne or matchstick carrots already prepared in the bag because I seriously do not have the time to do shredded carrots. By now the hubby is beyond rolling eyes, and making comments such as why do the dogs need a "garnish". Men ... :crazy:

I can only guess what the comments would be if I were to suddenly break out the cinnamon ..... :lol:
I currently give all our dogs their food and then I add a tablespoon of natural plain yogurt (organic if possible). At this point the hubby starts to roll his eyes ....

This is then topped off by some carrot matchsticks, or just shredded carrot. I try and get the julienne or matchstick carrots already prepared in the bag because I seriously do not have the time to do shredded carrots. By now the hubby is beyond rolling eyes, and making comments such as why do the dogs need a "garnish". Men ... :crazy:

I can only guess what the comments would be if I were to suddenly break out the cinnamon ..... :lol:

[MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION], I totally agree, my husband rolls his eyes how strict I am on Vegas's diet....YET... LOVES the changes our boy has made with food, yogurt, and carrots!! He can roll his eyes all he wants, Vegas is a changed man with his $60 dollar food plus
his snacks, he is less miserable and so our we!! ...Men!!! ,,,,does he not get it that hie is my "empty nest" syndrome just like having another baby??

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