Cherry Eye.. one more chapter

Vanize Andrade

New member
Sep 1, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Piper, Mooney, Lear Panda and Pitts
Hello Everyone!

Mooney's eye gland was popping out and then going back in for a few days. Now its been 3 days that the gland is very exposed. We took him to an eye specialist (a little expensive - $120 for the visit only), and her opinion is that he is too young to go under surgery now. Since I plan to neuter him at around 6 months, she recommended us to wait until then so we do both procedures at the same time. Then she flipped the gland back inside. By the time we got home an hour later guess what.. the gland popped out again. :-(
She also said that as the head grows it may create space for the gland, and we may not need surgery.

But I look at him and I feel bad with that huge red gland out.

Do you guys think it is ok to wait 3 more months to get this done?

Thanks a lot. Appreciate all your comments.
Check below a pic of the eye.. and a cute one so you guys can see how adorable he is.



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First, yes, he's very very huggable. :)

How old is he again? I think we waited a couple of months from onset for Stig's eye to get fixed. It didn't bother him at all though, it just didn't look nice. Mooney should be ok to wait if he's not scratching at it.
My 4 month old puppy is going through the same thing...but in both eyes. Our vet and surgeon are in agreement with yours....wait a few more months so that we could get him neutered at the same time. The hardest part really is that he looks so sad and people ask weird questions.

Hang in there. He is adorable!
I have no personal experience of cherry eye but have read enough of other people's experiences to realise that it doesn't bother them ... just the owner because they have to look at it.

If the vet seems happy to wait until Mooney gets neutered then I would go with that. If it meant my bully only getting put under once then that is what I would do.

I know it looks bad but try looking on youtube there are some videos on there and paticularly this one which shows how to gently massage a cherry eye back in.
First, yes, he's very very huggable. :)

How old is he again? I think we waited a couple of months from onset for Stig's eye to get fixed. It didn't bother him at all though, it just didn't look nice. Mooney should be ok to wait if he's not scratching at it.

Thanks for your comments. Mooney is 3 months old now. Yesterday I noticed that he tried to scratch it 2 times. Today I haven't notice anything yet.

So I think the smartest thing is to wait 2 more months and pray he doesn't get bother by it. :-)
I'd wait,,,, you don't want to anesthetize them any more than you have to so if they can do both at once that is the way to go.There is a video somewhere on EBN, I think, that shows you how to pop it back in yourself.... looks real easy.One more thing: WHAT A CUTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mooney is a beautiful bulldog. I love him, he's got beautiful coloring! Wilson had his done at four months but if the vet says to wait than that is best. As long as he's not bothering it. Otherwise the vet might give you some drops to keep it moist or special eye gel if it becomes irritated. I know it's hard to take if you've never seen it before. My bulldog is 3 years old now and so far it has not shown itself but he does have to have Cyclosporine ointment for dry-eye. But he's also had entropian surgery and an eye ulcer so he's had more than his share of eye problems. His left eye is OK so I'm grateful for that.
Oh he is adorable! Yes I agree wait, it shouldnt bother him so long as he doesnt scratch at it so much. We are going to have Miilas fixed next week when she gets spayed also. I wanna have her get everything she needs done at 1 time so hopefully she will never need to be put under again. That truly is the scariest part!
Found it:

Also found this one but I would be afraid to use a q tip like he does:

ne more that looks reeeeal easy:

Thanks a lot for the links. I've tried massaging (the first link)... but it didn't work. I may try the one with q tip. I'm a little afraid.
Do you guys think that the gland is so big that doesn't fit in its place anymore?
OHHHH MY I just tried and it worked!!! Oh I'm so happy! Lets see how long it will last!!! :-)

Thanks everyone!!!
Sorry guys one last question. Do you have any idea on how much does it cost to have the cherry eye surgery done?
Mine cost $400. But the bully vet here inflates their prices. I'm guessing in your area, it should be $200-$250.

Oh, so glad his eye's better!
Rambo had a cherry eye when we had first gotten him due to a goat kick I believe? yeah he lived with goats haha so before we had him he had the cherry eye for a good couple months, and than a little longer because we just couldnt afford it, but in the end we had the surgery and it cost about 200 or so, but it didnt bother him, the surgery is great, bad note is it can always reoccur after the surgery... LUCKILY rambos havent popped out, and his eye looks great, but when he does look a certain way it tends to peep out a little. I wouldnt worry to much about it, go with what the vet said, because like everyone else says dont put them down more than you have to. Here is Rambo with his cherry eye..

and here is rambo after his surgery, about a couple days after.

it looks pretty gross still, but after the swelling went down you would never have guessed he had it :D

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