Angus, the wonder dog.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Bullie (RIP) & Angus (RIP)
Y'all may have seen my post last year that my beloved dog, Angus, was diagnosed with cancer. He was diagnosed last July and the vet told us other dogs with his case usually only has a month or less before the cancer debilitates his internal organs causing his death.

Well, it's been 6 months and Angus is still hanging on! His hair has dulled, his eyes have dimmed, his ears have faded, he can't run after anything anymore but he continues to be the fun, super loving companion dog he's always been. My Angus will be here with us for a long time yet!

angus 20220114.jpg
You hang in there, Angus. You are beautiful and you are loved. God bless you and your Mom.
Hi Angus; you look amazing!
Angus isnt ready to go. And also what you’re feeding is helps. My daughter in law her 18yr old Shih Tzu was letting go. She asked me if she can have some of my dogs raw food to try. Of course I said. That was last yr n she is on fire running n jumping on sofas. She is going death but hey almost 19 now. She does have a few lumps but nope, she isn’t going anywhere.
Hello handsome…. You keep providing those doctors wrong, strong loving boy

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