Amount to feed a puppy ...??


Jul 31, 2010
Grafton, OHIO
Bulldog(s) Names
Maggie (My Angel Baby 5/31/2012). Daddy (2 years). Linus (1year). Bella (4 years)
Daddy is now 15 weeks old, and we have him fully on Fromm 4*. Both he and Maggie were on the Salmon n Veg, but after finding out that it was best to switch the protein within the range, they are both now on the Chicken n Veg.

Maggie gets 1 cup at each meal - morning and night - she is 37lb. I think that could be too much and maybe I should be feeding 3/4 cup.

Daddy is on 1 1/4 cups ..... so do I increase that as he continues to grow?? He is approximate 18lb now. The bag only gives recommendations for adult dogs, but I know a puppy needs a little bit more whilst he grows.

If I do increase the amount he gets ... when do I start to decrease it??

Just wondering if anybody can help?? :confused:
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] will know the answer to this one but as for Maggie I think she could maybe stand to go down to 3/4 cups a day being that she is smaller. I think the pup could use more but dont know for sure how much they should have.
I would decrease maggie to 3/4 c twice a day.

For Daddy you should stay on 1 1/4c twice a day, or 3/4c 3 times a day. Puppies are growing bones, tissue, muscles, ect. and will utilize all the additional protein and vitamins. It also would not hurt for you to add a supplement for Daddy. I am assuming you are also giving healthy treats in between.

If Maggie looks like she is gaining weight you can decrease her to 1/2c twice a day, but only if she is getting to look like a sausage. :)
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] Thanks ... the treats are either carrots, frozen green beans, chunks of cucumber or yogurt. We often put shredded carrot on their food too as a "topping".

I think I will drop Maggie down ... she's what you like to describe as a "butterball" - at least I think that's what you say!! LOL

They are both already on Grizzly salmon oil ... what other supplements would you recommend.

Also, Daddy's poops are still not tootsie rolls ... more the soft serve. We were wondering if it was the salmon so I'm hoping that after a few weeks on the chicken maybe we'll see a change. I'm assuming that he's too young to have an allergy to grains just yet.
Hi Everyone,

I am having a similar issue but it is more of a debate in our house of how much Marley should be fed in a day.

Marley will be 7 months on Sunday! (Our little girl is growing up so fast!!) and she currently weighs a whopping 58.6 lbs. Our vet has advised that she is not over weight and she is very active. She goes for a 30 min walk in the AM and an hour hike in the PM. We are currently feeding her Nurto Ultra and we haven't had any issues with it other then what portion size she should be getting.

Right now we feed her a 1 1/4 cup in the morning and at night. My boyfriend seems to think that she needs to eat more then that and will feed her extra food later on at night and when he does this it's usually 2 cups of food. I freak out on him everytime and explain how he can't be doing this because I have her on a routine and a specific diet so she doesn't become too "large" but he argues with me that she is "starving" and needs to eat more then what I've been giving her. I am afraid that if we increase her food more the 1 1/4 twice a day she will become over weight and will develop issues later on in life. I am with Marley 24/7 and know her best. She never begs for more food when she is with me or acts like she is "starving" when we are together but once my boyfriend comes around she acts like I haven't fed her all day.

Do you think what I am feeding her now (1 1/4 cups twice daily) is enough or should I be feeding Marley more then that??

I am trying to stick to my guns and was just hoping that someone could give me a straight answer or a more clear answer on how much I should be feeding Marley.


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