A tribute to Froggz


Staff member
Jan 27, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Molly, Mandy, Jesse, Yuna & Tidus
Last night I took Mandy & Jesse outside to go potty. Next thing I knew, Mandy was running around with a Sonoran Toad and Jesse was chasing her trying to get it. I could not get Mandy to give up the Toad, and finally after about 5 minutes we got her to drop it and put her inside.

I immediately looked up the toad on the internet to find that they were deadly!!!:eek::eek::eek:

So I got with Froggz on facebook, and she calmed us down by letting us know that if the toad did use its poison, Mandy would be drooling, foaming and lethargic, acting like she were drunk (I think those are what she told us) and it would be immediate. So knowing that Mandy was not acting like this, we were able to breathe again and we waited a couple of hours before going to bed, and Mandy was normal.

If I had not ever met Froggz here, learned of her love of reptiles, I would have been freaking out all night long!!!!

So, a testimonial to yet another way this site has helped us. Thank you froggz. I dedicate these photos to you, they were taken last year during Sonoran Toad mating season.... The fancied a romantic night by my pool :) I know you will appreciate the photos, they are mother nature at it's finest!





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I'm so glad to hear that the girls are doing great!

LOL too bad your pool is so inviting to them but I have to admit those are some pretty toads, Thanks for sharing the pics!!


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Wow that would be scary!!!! Isnt it funny how things all happen for a reason, like meeting new people and all? By the way I LOVE the pics, frogs are so cute!


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