
New member
Aug 20, 2016
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
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Hello all,
So glad I stumbled across this site browsing for English bulldog puppy names. My name is Nicole from South Texas. Myself and my boyfriend recently decided to look into getting an English bulldog to add to our family. Neither of us have ever owned one so loving this site which is full of question answers and support. We don't get our baby til Sept 16th, but we are definitely planning ahead. I'm having trouble figuring out what's the best food? The breeder has her pups on Iams if I'm correct and I definitely want the best for our new baby. Any advice or tips for a new bulldog owner would be great!!!!! Nice to meet all of you as well. :D
Welcome. I'm new too, so you'll definitely find alot of answers here and people willing to help. As far as "best" food, I dont honestly think there is one. Every dog, no matter of breed has a chance to be allergic or just plan not like what you pick for them. Some will recommend raw, but you'll have to experiment with what you dog can and will tolerate. For dry, there are alot of options. I'm going through this myself right now, trying to pick the "best" brand, that is A, affordable, and B available in my area. But, whatever I pick I may end up switching pending on what my little guy needs/likes. I still have a week to decide myself but so far I'm leaning towards Fromm Gold Puppy or Taste of the Wild Prairie Puppy. You can find lots of great info and rankings on dry here

Good luck, and what are you getting boy/girl? And post up pics, the people here apparently love pics.

Welcome again.


Nicole, welcome to the site. Jewel and Bentley say hello. Please peruse the site as there are many articles, posts and threads that will answer many of your questions. The English Bulldog breed is classified as a non-working breed and listed as a "family companion." The breed is very high maintenance that requires a lot of time. Please Read about the English Bulldog News Forums - The Proper Way to Clean Ears, Nose Ropes, Folds, Paws, Tail Pockets and Vulva which you should become familiar with.

You are never alone here at the site...just post your question and a member(s) will chime in and answer your questions.

Again welcome.
Welcome to the site and so excited for you. We feed all our pups FROMM Puppy Gold in the pink bag, and have always had good luck with it.
:welcome3: to EBN ... so glad you found us.... the gang has you covered on links and sites to visit to research your food chaoice, but of the bat --- Iams is not a good food so be sure to transition.

Some of the better kibbles , no particular order and all are grain free

Taste of the Wild

Good luck and congratulations on your new baby
Thank you all so much!!!! I did go ahead and purchase the fromm grain free puppy food just to try it out once she gets settled in. I've realized with all the postings it may take awhile to find the right food...but like it's said...there is never really a right pick. We decided on a girl from the litter. We get to visit her this evening as from pictures she has grown. I'm an over thinker and pre planner so andll the forums and posts and articles have my mind spinning. Lol. I've had labs and dauschunds which were all easy to care for. We are excited but definitely nervous. Here's our baby....still have a few weeks to go which gives us time to decide on a name.


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Thank you all so much!!!! I did go ahead and purchase the fromm grain free puppy food just to try it out once she gets settled in. I've realized with all the postings it may take awhile to find the right food...but like it's said...there is never really a right pick. We decided on a girl from the litter. We get to visit her this evening as from pictures she has grown. I'm an over thinker and pre planner so andll the forums and posts and articles have my mind spinning. Lol. I've had labs and dauschunds which were all easy to care for. We are excited but definitely nervous. Here's our baby....still have a few weeks to go which gives us time to decide on a name.


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Oh my, she's hit the cute nail squarely on the head. She is adorable. Had I not got my boy Thysyn, I was going to get a girl from the same litter, and since I'm not using that name now, I'll pass it on to you if you like? I was going to go with Abigail, "little Miss Abby" , just a suggestion.

Normally i'm pretty spontaneous, but with this new puppy coming I've been very much a planner. So I too have decided to go with Fromm Puppy Gold. The feed mill down the road from me carries it so, if I run short/out I can got get some in a hurry since its only a couple of km's away. Good luck with your girl....we'll be watching for more photos....and sorry to say, the waits gonna kill ya. I got 6 more days to go and the anticipation is driving me nuts.

Haha. Yes. It's driving me crazy waiting. We have until Sept 16th. We plan on weekly trips to get her used to us. I love Abby and was one of my to top picks. I tried to suggest that but the boyfriend wasn't responding to it. So far we have decided on: Honey, Bella (which seems to be the most common for female bulldogs), Candy, Nala, and Zana(short a, lol) I tried telling him you really just have to wait to name the pup...the name usually comes when you see their personality.
No local stores sell the fromm's so we will be the Internet buyers.

And I agree....with my dachshunds I had, nothing was planned. Pretty much exactly how that breed is too lol. This one I just want to make sure everything is perfect. Even started researching vets to find the perfect one. This will be our first dog together and the start of our "family" in a sense. Will definitely get more pictures of her tonight. Getting more excited. Your lucky. 6 days is almost here...have you got any pictures of your soon to be???

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Did you use Fromm retailer locator?

You're right on the name too, you can have a couple picked out, but you need to see the personality of the puppy to pick the right one. I pretty much had Thysyn picked for my before hand, but once I met him, it was a lock.

Do I have pictures??? Surely you jest?? There's a bunch here in my intro thread

And just cause you asked, one of my favourites of him from my visit, he's was just over 4wks the day I went

And yes, please post up some more pics after your visit today.

She was too precious. Fell asleep in my hands. And totally fell in love with her more. 3 1/2 weeks to go. [emoji22]



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Okay...I'm now a melted blob of blubber on the floor.

Love the pic of the two of you looking into each other's eyes!
Okay...I'm now a melted blob of blubber on the floor.

Love the pic of the two of you looking into each other's eyes!
Hahaha. I couldn't stand it. She just stared and stared then fell asleep in my hands. It's almost like she knew I was going to be her new mommy soon. [emoji173]

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