Scrambled eggs


Nov 28, 2016
South Africa
Bulldog(s) Names
princess, kleintjie
Hi folks,
How often can I give my dogs scrambled eggs ? Twice a week ? That good enough ?

I gave them first time this week, and they loved it.

Thanks for any advice.
Hi folks,
How often can I give my dogs scrambled eggs ? Twice a week ? That good enough ?

I gave them first time this week, and they loved it.

Thanks for any advice.

2-3 times a week at most, I would do anymore than that.

1 -2 times a week is still good, better than nothing.

They can have raw eggs too, I give raw quail eggs, 1 day a week for my dog.
Hi folks,
How often can I give my dogs scrambled eggs ? Twice a week ? That good enough ?

I gave them first time this week, and they loved it.

Thanks for any advice.
Or daily.... it is just another high valued nutrient dense food! My guys get a raw egg every other day with their meal.
You can give eggs daily. I have chickens n all 3 dogs gets raw eggs mix in their meal on regular basis. I even give the shell. My German Shepherd she can eat the whole egg in one shot but the 2 bullies I tend to break it up more.
Hi folks,
How often can I give my dogs scrambled eggs ? Twice a week ? That good enough ?

I gave them first time this week, and they loved it.

Thanks for any advice.
Be careful though, Ralph will now sometimes refuse to eat his food unless i knock him up some eggs, i avoid using milk with eggs, just 1 egg in the microwave for 40 seconds.

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