Anyone used Panacur for giardia?


Jan 30, 2014
Southern AZ
Bulldog(s) Names
Ally, Hank, Charlotte
Hello... wondering what anyone whose dog has been diagnosed w/ giardia used, and to see if anyone used Panacur.
What were the symptoms that were presented too?
My baby that was adopted in Dec has had such an upset and rumbly tummy since we got her. She eats a lot of grass and has the *WORST* farts in the world! We already had 2 bullies and thought we knew what bad gas was.... but oh. my. goodness. does Charlotte bring it it to an whole new level!!! Lol... poor girl.
Thanks for ya'lls insight and tips. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1396310342.641767.jpg Pic of my stinky pup💨💨💨💨💨
Meatball tested positive on his blood work for giardia. However, his stool samples showed no signs of it. My vet said if they don't see signs of it in the stool, and the dog is eating, no diarrhea, he doesn't treat it. He just told me to keep a eye on him and told me what to look for. Meatball eats tons of rabbit poo. It's unavoidable, my neighborhood yards are full of it. So, that is my experience with it. Sorry I couldn't be more hhelpful.
Symptoms are very mucusy, runny poo... It might have an odd odor too. You need to have her poo texted and specifically ask for the giardia test. Banks had it years ago,but I can't remember the treatment. Also, it is very contagious so be sure to clean up immediately and wash your hands
It can be very similar to Parvo symptoms… they thought Winston had Parvo, but turned out her had Giardia. I can't remember the name of his meds, but I know he got one shot and he started feeling a lot better...
Thank you all... yes, Charlotte has had very runny, mucusy poo, rumbly tummy, eating a lot of grass, very gassy... I have tried using pumpkin as well as plain yogurt in an attempt to set her tummy right with no results. That is when I started doing some more research and found out about giardia. I was asking about using panacur rather than just an antibiotic as I have heard that it can re-occur and the antibiotics don't really help. I know I do need to be careful about picking up after her right away to ensure my other two babies or my family don't get it.

I think I trip to the vet is in order today.... :(
Thank you all... yes, Charlotte has had very runny, mucusy poo, rumbly tummy, eating a lot of grass, very gassy... I have tried using pumpkin as well as plain yogurt in an attempt to set her tummy right with no results. That is when I started doing some more research and found out about giardia. I was asking about using panacur rather than just an antibiotic as I have heard that it can re-occur and the antibiotics don't really help. I know I do need to be careful about picking up after her right away to ensure my other two babies or my family don't get it.

I think I trip to the vet is in order today.... :(

Keep us posted! good luck
I have never heard of using Panacur for Giardia. It is a wormer,I know.
Well, they did a fecal float test on Charlotte and it came back negative. I still have doubts though as I have read that since the giardia cysts are not in every stool, that it is difficult to diagnose. The vet said to just give her the standard chicken and rice until her tummy feels better....

I read on a site (I'm trying to find it!) that panacur may be better for treating giardia long term than the standard script for metronidazole, that's why I was wondering if anyone out there had a vet prescribe it instead of or in addition to an antibiotic.

Well, they did a fecal float test on Charlotte and it came back negative. I still have doubts though as I have read that since the giardia cysts are not in every stool, that it is difficult to diagnose. The vet said to just give her the standard chicken and rice until her tummy feels better....

I read on a site (I'm trying to find it!) that panacur may be better for treating giardia long term than the standard script for metronidazole, that's why I was wondering if anyone out there had a vet prescribe it instead of or in addition to an antibiotic.

:ponder: I am going to dig through Banks' records to see what she was on -- I'll post back later tonight Hope she is doing better today
:ponder: I am going to dig through Banks' records to see what she was on -- I'll post back later tonight Hope she is doing better today

Thank you!

This is what I had found online about using Panacur that I was referencing earlier:

[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica] How Do I Know My Dog Has Giardia?
Most of the time, the vet is stumped as to what is the problem and even though they treat the animal for Giardia, it comes right back once the meds are stopped. Then the vet starts to think this might be a food allergy or sensitivity, when infact it is just very difficult to get a handle on Giardia. I always suggest running a check for Coccidia at the same time as a test for Giardia, just to make sure that is not the problem as well.

A typical Giardia dog is one that will not gain weight, they may feel/act normal but they can be on/off their feed, and/or have intermittent loose stools or diarrhea. In the later stages, these dogs will not eat or become picky since Giardia causes stomach upset/gas and severe cramping. It is
because of this, they will often graze on grasses excessively looking for relief. If your dogs have these symptoms, I would treat for Giardia first, before you start running up vet bills looking for other health problems like expensive diets or exploratory surgery.

Giardia is a very big problem, one that goes undetected by most veterinarians. Dr.Carol Turkington writes, "Once an infestation of Giardia, it often reoccurs. Giardia is spread by food or water contaminated by the Giardia protozoan organism found in the intestinal tract and feces. When the cysts are ingested, the stomach acid degrades the cysts and releases the active
parasite into the body. Once within the body, the parasites cling to the lining of the small intestine, reproduce, and are swept into the fecal stream. As the liquid content of the bowel dries up, the parasites form cysts, which are then passed in the feces. Once excreted, the cysts can survive in water for more than three months. The parasite is spread further by direct fecal-oral contamination, such as can occur if food is prepared without adequate hand-washing, or by ingesting the cysts in water or food.
Turkington goes on to state, "Diagnosis can be difficult because it can be easy to overlook the presence of the Giardia cysts during a routine inspection of a stool specimen. In the past, the condition has been diagnosed by examining three stool samples for the presence of the parasites.
However, because the organism is shed in some stool samples and not others, the infection may not be discovered using this method. A newer, more accurate method of diagnosing the condition is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detects cysts and antigen in stool, and is approximately 90% accurate.
While slightly more expensive, it only needs to be done once and is therefore less expensive overall than the earlier test." Generally, Flagyll or Metronidazole are often used for Giardia, and
repeated again in 2 weeks if the symptoms have not subsided. Many times you will treat them for Giardia and they are fine on the medication, but once the course of medicine is done, they usually return to a loose stool. If you use Panacur wormer for treatment, which I think is a more effective
choice for this problem, take the total dose for the weight of the dog and then instead of treating the dog for the normal 3 day period, you divide up all the amount of Panacur powder and divide into doses for use over a 10 day period of time, to effect the Giardia in the varying stages of growth and proliferation.
In other words, spread the treatment over 10 days.[/FONT]

It's from this website:
Thank you!

This is what I had found online about using Panacur that I was referencing earlier:

How Do I Know My Dog Has Giardia?
Most of the time, the vet is stumped as to what is the problem and even though they treat the animal for Giardia, it comes right back once the meds are stopped. Then the vet starts to think this might be a food allergy or sensitivity, when infact it is just very difficult to get a handle on Giardia. I always suggest running a check for Coccidia at the same time as a test for Giardia, just to make sure that is not the problem as well.

A typical Giardia dog is one that will not gain weight, they may feel/act normal but they can be on/off their feed, and/or have intermittent loose stools or diarrhea. In the later stages, these dogs will not eat or become picky since Giardia causes stomach upset/gas and severe cramping. It is
because of this, they will often graze on grasses excessively looking for relief. If your dogs have these symptoms, I would treat for Giardia first, before you start running up vet bills looking for other health problems like expensive diets or exploratory surgery.

Giardia is a very big problem, one that goes undetected by most veterinarians. Dr.Carol Turkington writes, "Once an infestation of Giardia, it often reoccurs. Giardia is spread by food or water contaminated by the Giardia protozoan organism found in the intestinal tract and feces. When the cysts are ingested, the stomach acid degrades the cysts and releases the active
parasite into the body. Once within the body, the parasites cling to the lining of the small intestine, reproduce, and are swept into the fecal stream. As the liquid content of the bowel dries up, the parasites form cysts, which are then passed in the feces. Once excreted, the cysts can survive in water for more than three months. The parasite is spread further by direct fecal-oral contamination, such as can occur if food is prepared without adequate hand-washing, or by ingesting the cysts in water or food.
Turkington goes on to state, "Diagnosis can be difficult because it can be easy to overlook the presence of the Giardia cysts during a routine inspection of a stool specimen. In the past, the condition has been diagnosed by examining three stool samples for the presence of the parasites.
However, because the organism is shed in some stool samples and not others, the infection may not be discovered using this method. A newer, more accurate method of diagnosing the condition is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detects cysts and antigen in stool, and is approximately 90% accurate.
While slightly more expensive, it only needs to be done once and is therefore less expensive overall than the earlier test." Generally, Flagyll or Metronidazole are often used for Giardia, and
repeated again in 2 weeks if the symptoms have not subsided. Many times you will treat them for Giardia and they are fine on the medication, but once the course of medicine is done, they usually return to a loose stool. If you use Panacur wormer for treatment, which I think is a more effective
choice for this problem, take the total dose for the weight of the dog and then instead of treating the dog for the normal 3 day period, you divide up all the amount of Panacur powder and divide into doses for use over a 10 day period of time, to effect the Giardia in the varying stages of growth and proliferation.
In other words, spread the treatment over 10 days.

It's from this website:

FOUND IT.... yes, I am OCD! Back in 2009, she was on both Panacur (5 day dose) and metronidazile (500mg tablets) for two weeks
FOUND IT.... yes, I am OCD! Back in 2009, she was on both Panacur (5 day dose) and metronidazile (500mg tablets) for two weeks

LOL! Not OCD in my opinion... just organized! I have a folder each of my babies with all the paperwork from the vet for everything they have ever had done... you never know when you may need something.

Thank you so much Miss Christine! I have ordered Charlotte a double dose of both metronidazole and Panacur, hopefully that will get her tummy straight.
LOL! Not OCD in my opinion... just organized! I have a folder each of my babies with all the paperwork from the vet for everything they have ever had done... you never know when you may need something.

Thank you so much Miss Christine! I have ordered Charlotte a double dose of both metronidazole and Panacur, hopefully that will get her tummy straight.

That is exactly what I have.... a folder for medical records and a folder for other records; two for each baby! :hug:

you are very welcome --- hope he is better soon!

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