Help Needed! Potty Training Help!


New member
Dec 22, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Bullys don't seem to be vocal when they want to go out like most other breeds. It was so frustrating when we got our pup, we were both blown away with how hard he was to train! Above all, be consistent. It is hard, because I found Griffen would 'fake' pee, squat and pretend to pee and then come in and pee on the floor!! They are so smart and stubborn at the same time. Ultimately, we got a bell for Griff, hung it from the door handle and gave him a treat and let him out when he rang it. Every time I put him out to pee I rang it, within hours he was using it. He will bite it sometimes even when he doesn't want to pee but I toss him out anyway :) \this ensures he knows it's not a toy!! Before the bell, I would sometimes find he knew where to go but unless you happened to see him walk to the door and glance at it you missed your opportunity.
I would recommend the bell, it saved a lot of paper towel and a lot of frustration!!

Good luck!!!


New member
Community Veteran
Mar 24, 2012
Winnipeg Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
Miss Tallulah and Buster
Bullys don't seem to be vocal when they want to go out like most other breeds. I found Griffen would 'fake' pee, squat and pretend to pee
When i was training Miss Tallulah to potty I would give her a tiny treat and say good potty. The clever little pup caught on real fast and would squat and do fake pees all over the yard and look at me for treats. :yes: The thing that helped was when she had an accident in the house I would ignore its- redirect her to be by herself in another room, quietly clean it up with a good pee destroying enzyme cleaner and then act as if nothing happened. No treat, no attention. She figured it out quickly. "There is no benefit in going potty in this house. Even if it is 20 below zero outside I am going to potty outside 'cause I want my treat!"

The other strategy for getting her to let me know she want to go outside happened sort of by accident. When she began staring at me and whining like a wounded wookie which drove me crazy ( hard to watch your fave TV progam or have a conversation ) I decided that would be her cue to me for going out. Each and every time she made that noise I would take her out. Now she knows if she makes that sound she is going outside. If that hadn't worked I would have tried the bell but friends who has a puppy - not a Bully- said they went nuts cause he would do it all the time when he got bored just so he could get the attention.

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