Called Me Ugly...


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2016
Eastern PA
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
:loveeyes: :ROFL: - This is the best one yet...

Called Me Ugly.jpg
Omg!! Lol I love it!! Don’t worry hunny, they don’t know any better and don’t realize what tru beauty is! Stay stunning! :heart:
Omg!! Lol I love it!! Don’t worry hunny, they don’t know any better and don’t realize what tru beauty is! Stay stunning! :heart:

OMG!! Right, I know my Ellie is the CUTEST little stink EVER :loveeyes: :loveeyes:, I will be the 1st admit I was not fond of them at first. BUT my mom brought home her 1st EB, and I fell in love.

I have only EVER heard one person in almost five years say they are ugly, and hubby and I were out to dinner, and overheard the conversation at another dining table. I was so ready to go and say something:cursing::cursing::cursing:

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