His vet appointment is on Saturday. He has vomited little bits of food that he's had, but nothing randomly. I forgot to mention that he's been going around with his mouth open a little as if he's breathing through it instead of his nose. When he eats or drinks it seems like it's harder for him to do than usual.

i would not wait.... till Saturday go to an ER or your see if you can get to your vet
Welcome Chip and Powers:nice2meetu::hiya:
Powers is Beautiful. I Pray he will be ok, please let us know about the x-ray. Sending Positive Thoughts for Precious Powers.
I would try feeding him Fromm or Canidae Dog Food, I feed all my dogs Fromm dry food and about 2 tablespoon of Canidae canned food, maybe switching his food from Bil Jac to Fromm would be beneficial to him. Fromm comes in a lot of different flavors, so does Canidae. I order this at PetFlow.com
Hi, everyone. I know it's not exactly fitting that my first-ever post here is in the health forum, but I figured any intro is better than none. My name is Chip and I finally pulled the trigger on a English Bulldog puppy in May. I've wanted one for years and this one sort of fell into my hands (though that's an interesting, albeit long, story I'll save for another time). His name is Powers and he's currently 6.5 months old. I'll include a few pictures below; you'll probably see why he was my pick from the litter.

So, I'm here introducing myself in the health section because, frankly, Powers is sick. Since 9/13, he's been very out of it. On any given day, Powers is a very energetic puppy, loving to play with his toys, go outside and socialize, and hating bedtime. Up to this day, he has been using his day to sleep or cuddle with me. He doesn't eat very much at all but will go for the water regularly. He went to see his vet on 9/20 and she gave me antibiotics to address his fever and eyedrops for more eye discharge than usual. His antibiotics are a week's supply, and I return to the vet on Saturday for follow-up.

For you all experienced with bulldogs and their times of sickness, what signs should I generally be looking for to gauge how his recovery is going? His energy level hasn't really improved on day 4 of his meds, and I'm wondering if I should get him looked at before the follow-up on Saturday. He's been sick before (upper respiratory infection), but that lasted about a week and he returned to his bouncy self. I'm just getting a little worried and I hope I'm doing this whole "parenting" thing correctly. Thank you all in advance for your input.

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Hi Chip - Checking in on Powers, how is he doing today? Did you end up taking him in?
Welcome to EBN Chip! I just read this thread and I agree with everyone about getting him to the vet ASAP. None of my guys have had an obstruction thankfully, but they have eaten lots of things that could have caused one had they not passed through or been thrown up. I did have a boxer once who had a telescoped intestine. In addition to the symptoms you described, he was in pain, which I knew because he was trembling. They never knew what caused his intestine to kink up like it did. They had to do emergency surgery to fix it quickly.

I hope they find out what's wrong with Powers and get it treated right away so he's back to himself soon. Please keep us updated on his progress!
Hi, everyone, and thank you for the welcomes and recommendations. Sorry that I've been silent for the past day or so, just been trying to catch up with everything myself (it's been pretty rough so far).

I ended up taking Powers to a reputable emergency clinic in the area on Wednesday night where they took him in to do blood work and x-rays. He stayed overnight so they could give him IV meds and continual care, especially since he wasn't eating at all and had a 105 degree fever. They've so far pegged bronchopneumonia and have sent some respiratory cultures to the lab to get more clarity on what we're dealing with. Apart from that, they don't see any obstructions, so thankfully it doesn't look like he's put anything in his mouth that he shouldn't have. He's still under their care and I visited him for a bit last night. He's been a handful these past few months, but it just feels weird not having him home.

I just got a call from the doctor this morning and she's concerned about some jaw pain he's been showing. I can't recall the name of the potential condition she mentioned, but she said something about the body's cells attacking themselves. Since being sick, he never had his mouth shut like normal, and he'd have it gaping just a bit. I assumed it was because he was breathing through his mouth, but maybe it's turning into something else. This may be tied to why he won't eat? The doctor says it may be a few things we're dealing wth here, after all. I'm sorry that my descriptions aren't the most technical or detailed, I'm in a bit of information overload at the moment and I get a little more anxious each time the next call doesn't remove a problem but adds one.

I'll come back with more updates as I get them. Thank you all for being such a great community.
Oh no.. poor baby. But i'm so glad you took him in. He's getting the care he needs now.

Those pics.. mine looked the same way with his IV's. Breaks my heart to see them like this. BUT- he'll be better in no time!

Please keep us updated - we're all praying for him.
Hi, everyone, and thank you for the welcomes and recommendations. Sorry that I've been silent for the past day or so, just been trying to catch up with everything myself (it's been pretty rough so far).

I ended up taking Powers to a reputable emergency clinic in the area on Wednesday night where they took him in to do blood work and x-rays. He stayed overnight so they could give him IV meds and continual care, especially since he wasn't eating at all and had a 105 degree fever. They've so far pegged bronchopneumonia and have sent some respiratory cultures to the lab to get more clarity on what we're dealing with. Apart from that, they don't see any obstructions, so thankfully it doesn't look like he's put anything in his mouth that he shouldn't have. He's still under their care and I visited him for a bit last night. He's been a handful these past few months, but it just feels weird not having him home.

I just got a call from the doctor this morning and she's concerned about some jaw pain he's been showing. I can't recall the name of the potential condition she mentioned, but she said something about the body's cells attacking themselves. Since being sick, he never had his mouth shut like normal, and he'd have it gaping just a bit. I assumed it was because he was breathing through his mouth, but maybe it's turning into something else. This may be tied to why he won't eat? The doctor says it may be a few things we're dealing wth here, after all. I'm sorry that my descriptions aren't the most technical or detailed, I'm in a bit of information overload at the moment and I get a little more anxious each time the next call doesn't remove a problem but adds one.

I'll come back with more updates as I get them. Thank you all for being such a great community.
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Poor sweet baby. I know the feeling, and I'm sorry he's sick. But, I am happy that they finally found the issue, and are working towards getting it resolved. Poor guy... I will continue to pray for him. See if they will allow you to take a worn t-shirt or one of his blankies or something so he has your scent with him. Thank you for the update, while its not the greatest, I have faith that he will pull through this. Thank God you took him in asap, bc those issues escalate quick, I am hoping & praying some strong antibiotics will kick it to the curb.

The jaw issues - is it Masticatory Muscle Myositis?
Hi, everyone, and thank you for the welcomes and recommendations. Sorry that I've been silent for the past day or so, just been trying to catch up with everything myself (it's been pretty rough so far).

I ended up taking Powers to a reputable emergency clinic in the area on Wednesday night where they took him in to do blood work and x-rays. He stayed overnight so they could give him IV meds and continual care, especially since he wasn't eating at all and had a 105 degree fever. They've so far pegged bronchopneumonia and have sent some respiratory cultures to the lab to get more clarity on what we're dealing with. Apart from that, they don't see any obstructions, so thankfully it doesn't look like he's put anything in his mouth that he shouldn't have. He's still under their care and I visited him for a bit last night. He's been a handful these past few months, but it just feels weird not having him home.

I just got a call from the doctor this morning and she's concerned about some jaw pain he's been showing. I can't recall the name of the potential condition she mentioned, but she said something about the body's cells attacking themselves. Since being sick, he never had his mouth shut like normal, and he'd have it gaping just a bit. I assumed it was because he was breathing through his mouth, but maybe it's turning into something else. This may be tied to why he won't eat? The doctor says it may be a few things we're dealing wth here, after all. I'm sorry that my descriptions aren't the most technical or detailed, I'm in a bit of information overload at the moment and I get a little more anxious each time the next call doesn't remove a problem but adds one.

I'll come back with more updates as I get them. Thank you all for being such a great community.
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So sorry he is still not well, but very happy you did not wait and took him to the ER. Sending positive thoughts to you all --- please keep us posted
Thank you for the support, everyone. I'm stressing about this a bit and your words of encouragement help.

Jessica, yes, I think that name (Masticatory Muscle Myositis) sounds familiar. I'm going to start asking them to email me these discussions so I can better digest what's being told. And yes, I had the thought as I was leaving there last night that I should ask if I can give him his favorite blanket or at least something from home.

I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks so much, once again.
Thank you for the support, everyone. I'm stressing about this a bit and your words of encouragement help.

Jessica, yes, I think that name (Masticatory Muscle Myositis) sounds familiar. I'm going to start asking them to email me these discussions so I can better digest what's being told. And yes, I had the thought as I was leaving there last night that I should ask if I can give him his favorite blanket or at least something from home.

I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks so much, once again.

Here's the most positive note, both of those issues, the infection and MMM are treatable when caught early. He will pull through this, visit him as much as you can because you being there helps them tremendously.
Here's the most positive note, both of those issues, the infection and MMM are treatable when caught early. He will pull through this, visit him as much as you can because you being there helps them tremendously.

Chip, Jessica is right. I faced a similar issue in June, and it was hard for me to be strong when I went to visit. However, I visited every opportunity I could. I was advised to be as positive as I could because he could tell when I was upset. It wasn't easy. I also brought him his favorite blanket from home. Sometimes they do not allow that, but they did for us.

I pray that Powers gets better soon and they can make sure he is on the right antibiotic to treat his infection. He is a beautiful boy, and I know how attached we become to our bullies!
A little background about me. I'm a single "father" and raising a puppy from puppyhood is something I've never done before. I grew up in a family that had Labradors most of the time, and they were outside dogs. English Bulldogs have always been a favorite of mine, but it wasn't until years later that I finally got the chance to have one.

I'd followed the breeder on Facebook for a while (a running friend got her bully from him and referred me), but I just liked to see the pictures month after month. The breeder I got Powers from posts pictures of the puppies he'll have available over the weekend, and it was this puppy's eyes that captivated me. I finally talked to the breeder and got information about him, the puppies, the whole package. I told him this was essentially an impulse call and I was primarily wanting information for the time being. I said I'd think over the big decision and get back to him later in the day. Later in the afternoon, I noticed this puppy was sold (he will mark in the comments as such). Not sure why I was doing it, I called him back and said that was the one I was looking at. He said the puppy sold about thirty minutes after our initial call. I asked him how often he had ever seen people back out of purchases, and he said that it was next to never in the years he has been in business that it has happened. At this point, I essentially had accepted that someone grabbed him before me, but I asked to be kept in mind in case lightning struck and the buyer backed out. I spoke with my close cousin about this and told her that if for some reason the guy backed out, that would be my sign that this was my puppy. This was on a Wednesday.

Saturday comes along and I'm attending my cousin and her boyfriend's graduation. We're having celebratory lunch and my phone rings; it's the breeder. I let it go to voicemail since I'm with company and decide to look at it afterwards. It turns out, the breeder can't get a hold of the guy anymore. The buyer promises that he'll be over on Thursday to get the puppy, then never shows up. Calls back to him lead to a non-working voicemail, so the breeder then asks me what I'd like to do. Needless to say, my sign happened and I picked Powers up that Sunday. Since then, my life hasn't been the same. It's definitely been a test of patience through his growing months, but I've never had a puppy that I could call my own and I've grown so attached to him.


So there's my introduction, now that I'm feeling a little better. I have no experience with bullies apart from years of research (which, of course, never prepares you for the real deal!), so your insight and words of encouragement have really helped pick up my day. I'll try and check in later tonight to let you all know how everything is going.

One other question before I go: I made the mistake of not enrolling Powers in pet insurance right away (and now Murphy's Law has taken effect). Do you all have any insurance recommendations? Would any of them happen to cover this instance even if I'm just barely enrolled? The only one I've checked so far is the one provided through AKC, but I'd love to hear everyone's input. Thanks again, so much.
I'll tell you what, they are alot of work, and a breed of their own. They are nothing like a retriever or lab. They are much more high maintenance, HOWEVER I'm sure you've noticed this slowly on your own already, the love they have for us is unreal. Like no other breed I've ever owned. They are so loving, and loyal, but honestly they aren't for everyone because not everyone can handle the amount of time, work, love, care, they need; along with financially as well.

While it hasn't been easy for you in the beginning rest assure it does get easier. He's still a pup, but will mature, and grow out of alot of the young spazing moments, or shark bite phase. My Tyson is now 9 yrs old and he is the most docile, loving, cuddle bug.

Insurance wise: This is something that you have to personally decide on. Honestly, with a bulldog you will need some sort of fund. Insurance will not cover anything that's already going on, because they will consider it pre-existing, but its not a bad idea for future. I have heard good things about Trupanion, and wished I had gone with them. We are with VPI, and while they have covered a majority of Tyson's bills, with insurance you still have to pay at the time of service, then submit the bills to the insurance carrier. So we personally have a credit card on reserve that solely belongs to Tyson. We use that for all his needs, and then wait for the reimbursement and pay that towards the card.

You will learn something new everyday with him, and I will tell you that you are doing an AMAZING job so far. You have researched enough to find us, and this forum is a wealth of knowledge. All together, we've probably been through it all, everything you can think of. We are here for you, and will help as much as we can. Powers was "meant" for you, that's just the way it goes. I know he's going to pull through this, he'll need you there to help him, push him, and care for him in his recovery.

We're so happy you are here, and I will be checking in for updates!! Please give Powers a big hug from me & Tyson!
Hi, everyone. I'm a little tired tonight so I'll just leave a brief update for now...

I got a call from the doctor around 6 this evening. She told me that the radiologists reviewed his x-rays and came to the determination that what we're dealing with (along with the bronchopneumonia) is something called mandibular osteopathy. What's happening is Powers' lower jaw is continuing to develop bone beyond what should have been done by now. This may persist for months, there's no real projection that can be made. With that, they have put him on anti-inflammatories along with his pain meds to see if this encourages him to finally eat. We're at a wait-and-see situation for now; they've gone over some potential future actions with me, but I'd rather not go into them just yet because naturally I don't want to go those routes.

Jessica, I'll come up with a better reply tomorrow to your advice and I really do appreciate the encouragement. A lot of information is sitting in today so I'm a little all over the place right now. I'm going to rest up shortly and then wake up with hopefully a clearer mind. I'll try to do a little research and see what the overall picture is looking like. More updates to come...

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