Help Needed! Noooooooooooooo


Arts'y bulldog farts'y
Community Veteran
Oct 5, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Sir Remington (Remi)
Noo! I think Remi is not only allergic to poultry, but beef. I'm noticing the marrow bones are totally giving him super thick tear stains and super red face only after 2 days of using them. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. @2BullyMama. They have been working perfectly. What else can I do??
How old is Remi.... 8 months? can you post of pic of his face, please?
5 months.... He is sleeping in his crate right now but I will do my best to get that pic tomorrow.

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its ok there are so many protein options like bison venison legume duck...i never see pork though, too salty?

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its ok there are so many protein options like bison venison legume duck...i never see pork though, too salty?

She's right. Lots to choose from. Not surprising on the chicken though. We've done Bison, Duck, Bison again and now we're back to Duck; only this time Acana with Bartlett Pear. (Thanks [MENTION=2291]cowsmom[/MENTION]) I don't think Beef works for Bo either.

Some very nice lady gave Bo a homemade chicken treat at an AKC event, where we were manning the Cascade Bulldog Rescue/Rehome booth. He had hives in what seemed like MINUTES. And itch? Ugh. I'd have put the kybosh on it had she asked me, but she was dispensing them like a gum machine.....
lots of other protein out there as others have stated. lots of dogs are allergice to beef and poultry. with bullies its sometimes a matter of picking the right protein for them then working from there.
5 months.... He is sleeping in his crate right now but I will do my best to get that pic tomorrow. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I am sorry, I should have given you better instructions on starting your little boy off on these.

How often and how long does he have the bone when you give it to him? You may be over doing it.... no exaggeration here, when we first gave them to Banks at about 1 maybe 2 yrs, she would EXHAUST herself to where she was overheated which caused her face to get red and folds to stain. So we started limiting her time with it... like an hour or a little more... place it back in the refrigerator and give it to her again for an hour or so later in the day. Make sure they are 2 or 3 inches (meat department in the store will cut them for you) in size this way he goes through the marrow within that time frame. Then you can rinse the bone and stuff it with banana, yogurt, peanut butter and refreeze.
just to add on to what [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] says - once they start really getting into chewing stuff like bones, antlers, etc., they are drooling A LOT and rubbing their chin on whatever they are laying on (like the carpet and the bone itself). so this might cause around their mouths to be red. not only that, they can get little abrasions in the delicate skin - and chin acne! so be diligent about cleaning Remi's chin after he eats it.

someone gave herman's dad a beef bone to give him.... i wasnt thrilled but by the time i had a say in the matter the bone was in Hermans mouth. it was a small bone and he only chewed it for about 15 minutes before i threw it out, but the next day he had what i thought was the start of acne, but actually looked like little cuts on his chin. i know this is going to turn into acne, and it will be fighting it for a couple of months just as i got rid of the last couple of pimples - grrrr!

i'm not sure about 'super thick' tear stains though??? what do you mean?
Guys, thanks for all the tips. Here is a picture of the day after we gave him a marrow bone. By this morning his face was fine. I gave him the marrow bone again for about an hour this afternoon, and his face turned red again, about the same, maybe a little redder. What also concerns me is that his tear stains are getting worse, his nose is a tad runny, when they were getting better after we put him on the lamb. I feel like this says food allergy, but maybe I'm over reacting.

Guys, thanks for all the tips. Here is a picture of the day after we gave him a marrow bone. By this morning his face was fine. I gave him the marrow bone again for about an hour this afternoon, and his face turned red again, about the same, maybe a little redder. What also concerns me is that his tear stains are getting worse, his nose is a tad runny, when they were getting better after we put him on the lamb. I feel like this says food allergy, but maybe I'm over reacting.

View attachment 31841

give him a few days off of the bone see if they start to go away.... could be the bones, but it could be something else in the air??
Unfortunately I'm positive it's the bones. When we stopped giving it to him, it went away, and when we gave it back, it came back immediately :( I cleaned his skin tonight, and it doesn't look like it's helping.
Unfortunately I'm positive it's the bones. When we stopped giving it to him, it went away, and when we gave it back, it came back immediately :( I cleaned his skin tonight, and it doesn't look like it's helping.

damn.. that stinks! have you tried antlers with him
damn.. that stinks! have you tried antlers with him
No! Not sure where to get them. Any ideas? I just can't believe my poor baby is allergic to both beef and poultry. Shocking!!!!
No! Not sure where to get them. Any ideas? I just can't believe my poor baby is allergic to both beef and poultry. Shocking!!!!

Carolina Pet Pantry has them... your local pet stores will too They are expensive, but last a VERY long time
My older bully, Bruno, is allergic to almost every protein...we tried everything...beef, chicken, name it. It took us forever to figure out a food that wouldn't make him sick (he would throw up all the time). We tried worked! We feed him Fromm Salmon and vegetable. I guess it's common for bullies to be allergic to different don't get discouraged!

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