Help Needed! Is Fromms grain free beef ok for puppies


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Nov 11, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
My fiancé and I just bought our 1st bulldog we named him Chummly. We don't get to pick him up from breeder for 2 wks. I've been reading a lot on food and how prone to allergies and stomach sensitivity. The conscious seems to be from what I have read Fromm's grain free products are very very good. Is it ok to start Chummly out eating that as a puppy? It says all stages, or should we get a puppy specific food from Fromms
My fiancé and I just bought our 1st bulldog we named him Chummly. We don't get to pick him up from breeder for 2 wks. I've been reading a lot on food and how prone to allergies and stomach sensitivity. The conscious seems to be from what I have read Fromm's grain free products are very very good. Is it ok to start Chummly out eating that as a puppy? It says all stages, or should we get a puppy specific food from Fromms

Fromm's makes Puppy Gold it's in a pink bag that is the best for puppies. Congratulations on your new baby! :welcome:
:welcome4:Hi and welcome to you and Chummly. Fromm's is an all stages food and can be fed to your puppy, but I agree with Phil, that Fromms has a Puppy formula and it is better to use a puppy food until they are at least 6 months old, and then you can switch him to Fromm's Beef. The puppy formulas are better for puppies as they provide the extra calories, vitamins, and minerals to support the rapid growth and development of a puppy. You want to feed him 1 cup of kibble 3 times a day, morning, afternoon, and dinner, when our guys we puppies, we fed them at 6:00 am, 12:00 pm, and again at 6:00 pm. When Chummly is about 6 or 7 months old, then you can switch him to the adult formula, and then reduce his feedings to 1 cup of kibble twice a day. We feed our two guys Bulldozer and Blossom Fromm's Beef Frittata twice a day at 6:00 am, and again at 6:00 pm. We also give them natural extras like we put 1 Tbsp. of plain unsweetened yogurt on their kibble every morning, this is excellent for the digestion and provides probiotics which boost the immune system, we also give them salmon oil in their evening kibble, it is excellent for the Omega 3 oils, and very food for their coat and skin. We add 1 Tbsp of pure apple cider vinegar to their drinking water everyday, there are many benefits to ACV, such as its a natural anti inflammatory, very good for the joints, it's good for their skin and fur, it kills the bad bacteria in the body, so also boosts the immune system, and it balances the Ph levels of the blood. For treats we give them cut up apples, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, a hard boiled egg, peanut butter, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cheese strings, and yogurt, they also like frozen yogurt as an occasional treat. You can use a few pieces of their own kibble to give them a treat when training him. I would wait until Chummly is a little older, around 4 or 5 months old before giving him any extras, and when you do introduce him to treats and extra foods, add one item at a time, so you will know which one he doesn't tolerate, or shows any signs of allergies to. Good luck with your new baby, and enjoy, the puppy stage is so short. Keep us posted on how he's doing, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of you and Chummly on here, and Loy's of pictures of him as well.
Thank you so much for all the info. I will keep everyone updated, and I'm sure I will have a lot more questions down the road. We just can't wait to get him home!
Yay!!!! A new puppy. Can't wait for pics!!! Excellent advice given. Just remember these little pups potty a lot so right after eating, exercise or naps out they go. I would give a tiny treat the size of my baby fingernail ( pure Wellness venison or salmon) every time Buster or Miss Tallulah went potty outside to reward them and if there was an accident in the house - no treat and just ignore. Within a week no accidents. I am sure you know this already but don't give your Bully anything with corn wheat or soy. They do not tolerate it. And add things slowly to be sure of what else they might be sensitive or allergic too. How exciting. Bully pups are just the most adorable.

- - - Updated - - -

That's Chummly
Chummily is a cutie and yes FROMM Beef Fritata is an all stage food as all of the FROMM 4 star foods are and can be fed to a pup. Congrats on your new cute pup
Rocco has been on beef frittata since he was 2.5-3 months old. He's now 5 months old and he's doing great. Chummly is adorable!

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AHHHH your baby is SO cute!!! We fed June Fromm puppy food when we brought her home and just made the switch to the beef frittata to hopefully get rid of her tear stains and she is a little over 5 months old. So far so good :)

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