Elevated phosphorus in puppy


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Lexi and Shelby
We just had our six month old spayed today. Everything went well, but the vet says her phosphorus is elevated. He's not concerned because she is going to be a big girl and is growing quickly. Has anyone encountered this before? He wants to recheck it in six months when she's closer to being full grown.

Thank you
I have not, but will tag a few members that might have some insight
I have no experience w/this… I'm sorry. I wish you all the best w/your baby!!!
We just had our six month old spayed today. Everything went well, but the vet says her phosphorus is elevated. He's not concerned because she is going to be a big girl and is growing quickly. Has anyone encountered this before? He wants to recheck it in six months when she's closer to being full grown.

Thank you

I guess the big question would be how elevated was it? I would ask for a copy of the test results and take them to another vet for a second opinion and a possible retest to see if the results have changed in a week or two.
I guess the big question would be how elevated was it? I would ask for a copy of the test results and take them to another vet for a second opinion and a possible retest to see if the results have changed in a week or two.

Thank you for the feedback. I have read the articles on elevated phosphorus, but the vet feels that is it because she is growing so quickly. She is six months, 47 pounds, and not overweight! I also found several articles that discussed this.
We're just being extra careful and probably a little paranoid. We lost out Shelby at 2 and 1/2 years old due to a possible liver problem. It was a devastating loss for us and her sister Lexi. We've had four vets review all of her notes and still don't know exactly what happened. We chose not to do the autopsy.
I had Beaker spayed at ,7 months and her phos was 8.0 and the upper range of normal is only 6.0. My vet explained it as a growing puppy also. Her surgery was fine and made it thru anesthesia fine. I would not worry unless one of the other liver enzymes or calcium was abnormal. See how they went thru with the surgery they were probably fine.

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