Dublin on her new Kuranda Bed Yeah!

Re: Dublin on her new Karunda Bed Yeah!

First of all I will not be telling my Hubby that you said he was hunky:laugh: and yes she is losing weight finally. Mostly because she is off the steroids and got the green light to go walking again. To answer everyone else's questions. The bed is a medium and Dubbie is fully grown and currently weighs 45lb. She has very short legs so if she was any heavier or longer I would go with a larger size. It seems to be super durable and what I like about it, so easy to clean. I'm hoping that she does love it as I would really like to get rid of those soft beds as I think they are a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty stuff no matter how many times they get washed. It is nice and light to throw in the car and take with you. The other thing I like is that the bed part is up off the ground for much better air flow and should keep her cooler. I will see how it goes and if she loves it I will get another. The delivery was prompt and no pieces missing or broken parts. My 'hunky hubby":ROFL: put it together in about 10 mins.

:hmm: Why isnt she being fanned :lol:

She looks so comfy and she is a doll :)
Re: Dublin on her new Karunda Bed Yeah!

oh boy!! now i want one!! (Amazon queen here) Tank being all his 73 lbs takes up whole bed,and theres me, the bf and the pug who need to be considered...love it!

I think Tank could about rest his head on the med size :ROFL: I do wish I had decided on large just for the extra room, but she fits it okay.
Yes .... I'm tempted to get one now. Everybody who gets one seems to love them. At the moment we've got the soft beds from Costco that have cedar in them.
I think Tank could about rest his head on the med size :ROFL: I do wish I had decided on large just for the extra room, but she fits it okay.

So you think he needs a large? I was waiting to see what size u had gotten and also figured one size up would it fit the pug too ? ImageUploadedByTapatalk1345390826.903498.jpg
I have been told I am not to spend any more money on my animals than is necessary :/.... Oh well mayb for Christmas :)
Oh man I think the photo sells it because now I want one too!!!

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I don't know how I missed this back in August, but OMG that is the bestest photo! Sancho has a Coolaroo bed and doesn't eat it, but this picture makes me want to throw it out anyway and get a Kuranda!

Awesome... Dublin looks so happy on her new bed :)
So cute! I see a lot of those beds on here I might have to try one!
How's it holding up after a few months? We're in the market for a bed for Ellie and I wanted to check into these.
The bed and Dublin are looking good together:2thumbs:
Haven't been on here very much so a quick "peek" this morning. We have our new rescue "Tio" and between "making him feel at home" and dealing with the adustment for Dublin and work, and the holidays of course it has been overwhelming. I look forward to posting much more about our "adventures" in the new year and of course there are already many to talk about:D.

I am disapointed to say that neither Dublin or Tio sleep on the Karunda bed :nope: I absolutely love it ( but then I don't have to sleep on it :-) ) they do like to play on it but that is it.... I plan on donating it to Florida English Bulldog Rescue ( where Tio came from) as they use them. Funny thing is that Tio slept on one before coming here. He much prefered Dublin's soft squishy ( totally unhygienic) bed so he has one of his own now. I am constantly washing them as I can't stand any kind of smell...Yes, hard to believe and now I have two bullies..... I do want to add that despite Tio's horrific first two years of life he is the sweetest most loving little guy and he is little two years, and 38lb....

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