URGENT!!! 8 week old English Bulldog bald spots


New member
Mar 29, 2014
I have experience with demodex mange as it is called. My two bulldogs used to have it before the year. First and most important, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the food everytime you feed them. It is very important that the vinegar is raw, unfiltered and with the mother. I also bought organic ocean kelp from Amazon and added to his food. To this day this is my dogs meal and they are mange free. Also the apple cider vinegar acts as a tick and flea repellent since it changes the smell and taste of the dog's skin. Last but not least I used to give my bulldogs a borax bath. First I bathe them with Dawn dish soap diluted in water and mixed with baking soda for the odor. Shower away the soap and then soak your dog with this: 8 Oz of hydrogen peroxide 3%, 16 Oz of water and about 8 Oz of borax detergent, borax is sold at Walmart for $5 and it is on the washer detergents area. Big old fashion box. You soak the dog with this mix and let him air dry. After he's dry, comb him to remove excess dry soap. It is important that you put on your dog a e-collar to prevent he licks himself and swallow some of that soap. I did this 3 times a month for about 5 months. That, along with the medicine will help your dog heal in no time. Also remember that with mange it's going to get worse before it gets better. If your dog scratches a lot you can also put neem oil on the bald spots in between. Hope this helps.

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