What gardener could resist mums on sale for $.62?

I need to look for some of these hardy mums!! :yes:
@Sherry..... by pinch back do you mean I can lop their heads off with my electric hedge trimmer??? (we have a total of 72 mum plants) ;)

take a scissors to them before they bud, about 3 times between May and July 4 not passed the 4th or they won't bloom before frost
We have mum eating rabbits. :pouting:
Most of the blooms are off of several of the new ones I planted this week.
We have mum eating rabbits. :pouting:
Most of the blooms are off of several of the new ones I planted this week.

are you sure that's a rabbit and not [MENTION=1034]BruceP[/MENTION] with her hedge clippers? :)

Your garden is gorgeous. You've given me lots of idea what to do with my yards next year.
i love mums...i planted some in front of my condo 2 years ago...i came home to them being cut all the way down by a well meaning neighbor...it killed them...he didnt' do it right...i love how they come back every year...no fuss
Time to get out the rabbit repellant............. or the RIFLE!!!!!!!!!!!! :cursing:
Ohmygoodnesssss your yard looks amazing!

I fully support ditching dusty miller for something more colorful. Maybe toss some extra mulch/leaves on them this winter and they will come back? Here in WA it really never gets cold enough to kill a (perennial) mum; but a four incher is small to winter over. May they return next year in full regalia! Once you get them going, they're one of those things that you have to keep dividing and giving away. Mums are the gift that keeps on giving.

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