We know they go to heaven


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May 2, 2013
Bulldog(s) Names
Well, I had no doubt that dogs would be in MY heaven-hope I get there. Even better news is that POPE FRANCIS today told a child that he will see his dog in heaven,and meet him again, as the child:mansfriend: was sad and told the Pope his pet died. Even though I am not Catholic-it was still a wonderful thing to hear from the POPE. :yes:
Well, I had no doubt that dogs would be in MY heaven-hope I get there. Even better news is that POPE FRANCIS today told a child that he will see his dog in heaven,and meet him again, as the child:mansfriend: was sad and told the Pope his pet died. Even though I am not Catholic-it was still a wonderful thing to hear from the POPE. :yes:

I agree, Amen, but I always knew that pets and all living things go to Heaven, especially dogs because they are pure of heart, loving, caring, loyal, and give unconditional love, so of course they go to Heaven.
I am not catholic either, but I REALLY like Pope Francisā€¦ I am THRILLED to hear that he believes we will be reunited w/our babies, and I look forward to that day!!! :pray:
Well, I had no doubt that dogs would be in MY heaven-hope I get there. Even better news is that POPE FRANCIS today told a child that he will see his dog in heaven,and meet him again, as the child:mansfriend: was sad and told the Pope his pet died. Even though I am not Catholic-it was still a wonderful thing to hear from the POPE. :yes:

i really like this Pope... he actually is what a Pope/priest should be. and, I too believe we will be with our babies again
Well if dogs don't go to Heaven, then I don't want to go either. I'd rather go where they go.
Well if dogs don't go to Heaven, then I don't want to go either. I'd rather go where they go.

Ditto to that,
[MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION]! Without them it would be Hell!
To heck with that. I am Catholic I could go to heaven with good thoughts of all my pups. Rogan is a sure shot but Emmitt will be in purgatory for a while. Especially if he keeps biting Rogans ears.

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