Vegas stew anyone?

[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] you shop at winco don't you? AKA the best grocery store EVER!!!

Of course! I love being able to spend $100.00 on groceries and leave the store with more that just 2 bags! I love that they offer you paper bags instead of plastic. I love shopping there. :heart: it!
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] Linus is the same build as Vegas and needs to lose some weight but, even on two cups of food a day, he does not lose more than 4 or 5 pounds. Did you mix the kibble with the stew? Did you see any adverse effects from the stew (gas, allergies, etc) in addition to the weight loss? Thanks!
Yes, Vegas gets 1/2 cup kibble and 1 and 1/2 cups stew twice daily. Before the stew, he was getting 1 cup twice daily of kibble. (grandma was feeding him crappy treats also)
With the stew, Vegas does not have gas. He has never been gassy before...and we were told that simmering the stew for several hours will make the cabbage and tomatoes less gassy to the pups. As for allergies, I haven't noticed any difference.
I'm going to bump this thread..


Ok...some of you said that you were going to try this out. If you did, let me know. If you did and had horrible gas or refusal to eat, let me know. Dr Uhler was talking about me writing up a testimonial and I was just curious who else has stuck with this diet and who has or hasn't had results.
Currently, Vegas is a skinny and handsome 57.2 pounds.
He has been on this diet for about 4 months.
I haven't tried this yet, but we are having some difficulty with Daddy because he is just SO greedy!!!! He gulps all his food down and then tries to steal all the other dogs food. Every meal time is like a battle with me, hubby or one of the kids constantly screaming "no" at him!! He's on 1 3/4 cup of Fromm which I think is enough for him at his weight and age ( he's about 34lb and almost 6 months).

So I'm considering making the stew and giving that to him with his meals to maybe fill him up and also slow him down ...

Anybody got any thoughts about that, or any ideas about how to have more peaceful meal times????
Actually...let me see if I can find the video of Orion.
Of course I found it...we have to block her into a corner. We are working on her "waiting" until Vegas leaves his feeding area..but sometimes she doesn't wait and she pushes him out of the way.
I've made it twice now, just for variety and a treat. I mix it in with the girls' dinner, not because they needed to loose weight, but because I thought they'd like it, and they did! Now, after my husband accidentally doubled their food for the last couple weeks, they may need the diet after all! :up:
Well I am bad so I cant give a great testimony aside from saying that my boys liked it more than crack. haha. I made it a couple times but then xmas came and I got busy so that was it. They begged for it tho and absolutely LOVED it. I need to get back to making it but they are such messy eaters, there wasnt a safe place to feed them it. Even outside ended up a big mess. lol.
Yes..Vegas is messy also. Orion had to spend at least an hour cleaning up after him. I have to wipe down the walls and the floor after each meal.
OK ... so Daddy is Orion .... you'd think we had not fed him in two weeks!! At least I'm not alone in this!!

Really hoping we don't get to the stage where we have to lock Daddy up each meal time to give the other dogs a chance to eat in peace!!
We just started making this for Frank because we have him on Fromm now, so don't feed as much and he acts like he is being starved all the time! He was starting to get crazy eyes whenever he thought we had food out! Anyway, we have been feeding him the stew for a week, adding about 1/2-1 cup in with his kibble and he LOVES it!!! And so far haven't noticed any excess gas and his poo is still firm, yay! I made sure to simmer it for over 3 hours just to be on the safe side of bulldog gas warfare!
THANK YOU so much for posting this!!
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I am getting the ingredients today! My pet food store said there is a back order on Fromm and cant get it until Feb 14 and I ordered it 2 weekends ago. So frustrated!!! But I still have some left so figure I can feed less kibble food and add the stew as a filler!! I will keep you posted~
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] Thanks for the Vegas stew recipe. Silva :heart:'s it so much! She has a cup in the AM and one at dinner then 1 cup of her Fromm kibble and her snacks. She has alittle bit of gas but :poo: are good! You saved me from having to change her food while I wait for her food shipment to get here!! :up:
you may even be able to cut her down more. When Vegas doesn't have stew..he get 1 cup twice daily...when he has stew he only get 1/2 cup twice daily.
Very interesting! Chunk gets a cup of green beans and a tablespoon of pumpkin w/ each meal (twice a day) with his dry food. Ever since I switched him from the Royal Canin (which was 2 cups of food twice a day) he always seemed hungry and this took care of his hunger! He loooves it all - I just don't warm it up because he eats it the same either way. I can see his ribs too but my vet says he's the perfect weight and we should always see a waist! He's definitely more active at the lower weight too. :)

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